Friday, February 7

RCPH Scheduling Booster Appointments For 18 & Over

Person getting a shot (Credit: Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock)
Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock

ASHEBORO N.C. – Randolph County Public Health (RCPH) announced today that they are now scheduling appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine boosters (Moderna and Pfizer) for everyone 18 years of age and older. That announcement comes as state vaccination numbers plateaued and a surge of unvaccinated patients are beginning to fill hospital beds across the state.

Officials at NC Dept of Health and Human services say there is need to get vaccinated is urgent. According to the data, North Carolina is experiencing the fastest acceleration in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations since the pandemic started over a year ago.

“The vast majority of people dying with COVID-19 are unvaccinated. If you are not vaccinated please don’t wait until it is too late,” said Mandy K. Cohen, M.D., Secretary of the NC Department of Health and Human Services. “The authorized and approved vaccines have been through rigorous clinical trials and met scientific standards. Millions of North Carolinians have been safely vaccinated.”

Studies from the CDC as well as the WHO and other national public health systems are showing that the vaccine is effective in reducing risk of severe disease, hospitalization and death, including against the Delta variant.

As of Nov 22nd 2021 a total of 13.3 million COVID-19 vaccines doses have been administered in North Carolina. Out of the states 10.7 million residents 7.2 million (68.7%) have received at least one shot and 5.6 million (53.8%) were fully vaccinated. North Carolina sits right in the middle of the range of vaccination rates amongst its neighbors. Virginia was reporting that 64.4% of its residents were full vaccinated, Tennessee at 49.2%, and South Carolina at 51.5%.

% Fully Vaccinated (Data from NCDHHS)
% Fully Vaccinated (Data from NCDHHS)

Locally in Randolph 62,606 people have received at least one dose and 58,723 were fully vaccinated. That makes Randolph County’s fully vaccinated rate around 41%. Montgomery, Stanley, and Rowan Counties all also have a 41% fully vaccinated rate while Guilford sits at 56%, Davidson at 45%, and Chattam at 52%.

Health officials are urging anyone who isn’t vaccinated to get the shot, and the CDC has approved boosters for everyone over 18 and says anyone 50 or older “should” get a booster. In order to get a booster dose of either Moderna and Pfizer it will need to be at least six months after your second dose of either vaccine. The number for the appointment line at Randolph County Public Health is: 336-365-6110. The phone line is open Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays).