Friday, February 7

Suspicious Smell Prompts Evacuation At Archdale Elementary

Fire Truck (ungvar/Adobe Stock)
ungvar / Adobe Stock

ASHEBORO N.C. – This morning students at Archdale Elementary had to be evacuated and the fire department called after someone noticed the smell of smoke in a classroom.

From emergency radio traffic we know that fire crews from multiple Randolph and Guilford county fire departments responded to a report of the smell of smoke in a classroom.

Randolph County Schools Public Information Officer Tim Moody in an email to Randolph News Now said that just after 7:30 a.m. Archdale Elementary School was evacuated as a result of a “suspicious smell” from an undetermined source in one of the buildings on the school’s campus.

“The school’s administration and maintenance team worked closely with the fire department to immediately address the situation” said Moody who stressed that at no time were any students or staff members in danger. “Students and staff members have been removed from the building affected by the odor and temporarily relocated to other areas on the school’s campus”. Students and staff were allowed to re-enter the building at approximately 8:20 a.m. The schools is currently running on its regular schedule.