Wednesday, February 12

Asheboro PD VICE/Narcotics Team Cracks Down on Illegal THC Devices At Local Vape Shops

Stock Photo - Marijuana/THC/CBD Products (H-ko/Adobe Stock)
Stock Photo – Marijuana/THC/CBD Products (H-ko/Adobe Stock)

ASHEBORO N.C. – The Asheboro Police Departments’ VICE & Narcotics unit recently conducted undercover buys at local vape shops to test THC levels of products leading to two search warrants and at least one person being criminally charged.

First the elephant in the room: “Wait, THC isn’t legal, is it?”
In 2018 when hemp was legalized through the farm bill a psychoactive compound called delta-8 was also legalized. Delta-8 is related to Delta-9 which is a THC compound in the cannabis plant that produces the “high”, people associate with marijuana. Delta-8 can produces feelings of euphoria, provide pain relief, and help with anxiety by causing a feeling of relaxation, just with a “high” is a lot milder. Delta-8 is legal only as long as its made from hemp that doesn’t have more than 0.3 percent delta-9 THC.

According to officials with the Asheboro Police Department, the VICE/Narcotics team made undercover purchases of products containing delta-8 as well as CBD at several local vape shops. From those undercover buys Detectives secured search warrants for American Dream Tobacco & Vape located at 1528-K Zoo Parkway and Smoke House & Vapes located 1317 East Dixie Drive.

Police say items purchased at those locations contained more THC than was allowed by law. Mohamed Rassam Saleh Rashani was served a criminal summons for Felony Possession of Marijuana and possession with intent to distribute Marijuana in connection with the undercover purchase at American Dream Tobacco & Vape. At this time no one from Smoke House & Vapes has been charged in connection with the search warrant however police say the investigation is ongoing.