Sunday, March 9

Asheboro ABC Board Announces Availability of Grant Funds

ABC Store Sign next to roadway
[Scott Pelkey | North State Journal]

ASHEBORO N.C. – This week, the Asheboro ABC Board has announced the availability of 1st and 2nd quarter 2023 grant funds for the treatment of alcoholism or substance abuse or for research or education on alcohol or substance abuse. 

The grants are a part of a program established by state lawmakers under NC § 18B-805. That statute requires that at least seven percent (7%) of the gross receipts from the stores shall be spent for the treatment of alcoholism or substance abuse, or for research or education on alcohol or substance abuse.

“The Asheboro ABC Board can either give the required 7% to Randolph County for use as set out by GS18B-805(h) or the Asheboro ABC Board can award the funds directly to an agency or person to be used by that agency or person for the purposes set out by GS18B-805(h),” explained Rodney Johnson, General Manager of the Asheboro ABC Board. ” The Asheboro ABC Board chose to award the funds to a local (Randolph County) agency or person who will best use the funds for the purposes set out by GS18B-805(h). Thus, any agency or person wanting the funds must complete a grant application enabling the Asheboro ABC Board to select the best candidate.”

The exact amount of funds available is dependent upon sales and cannot be determined at this time, said Johnson in a press release.

Based upon past revenues, estimated first quarter funds will total $10,000 (available in late April or early May 2023) and estimated second quarter funds will total $12,000 (available in late July or early August 2023).

Applicants may apply for these funds by submitting the information below to the Asheboro ABC Board, no later than 1:00pm, Friday, February 3, 2023.

  • Organization Name, Address, Phone Number, Email/Web address (if available) and Contact Person.
  • A brief Statement about your organization’s history, mission and services provided in the Asheboro area concerning treatment, research or education on alcohol or substance abuse.
  • Whether funds are requested for a one-time or on-going project and include a description of the project and how it supports the treatment, research or education on alcohol or substance abuse in the Asheboro area.
  • A budget narrative describing how funds from the Asheboro ABC Board will be spent.
  • For tax exempt, nongovernmental agencies, the most recently due and filed IRS form 990 or 990EZ.  For organizations not required to file an IRS 990 or 990EZ, or not yet due to file, the most recent annual income and expense statement showing all sources of income and expenses, including salaries or other compensation to officers, directors, trustees, and key employees.

All Grant Applications must be signed by the applying entity’s chief executive officer and board chair or in the case of a governmental agency, the person authorized to request and receive grant monies.

Organizations receiving these funds must submit an annual report describing how all funds were spent.  If you have any questions, please contact Asheboro ABC Board General Manager Rodney Johnson at 336-629-2530 Ext 8 or by email at