Thursday, March 27

Contact Us

Need to contact someone to tell us about news, send a press release, or find out about advertising? Our contact information is provided below.

Please note that the news team operates separately from the advertising and business team. Reporters/Editors will not be able to assist or provide information about advertising and can only direct your question to the proper person.

News Desk

To contact the news desk about breaking news, send a press release, or reach out about another news related matter you should contact the newsdesk. If you would like to report a typo or submit a correction or update for an article on our site, please use the “Report typo / submit correction” link that appears at the bottom of each article.

Press Releases / News Inquires


For advertising inquires please contact North State Journal’s advertising team using the contact information below. Notices to creditors and other legal notices can be published in our sister publication the Randolph Record newspaper.

Business / Legal

For busines or legal matters related to this site, contact the North State Journal.

North State Journal

211 Worth Street
Asheboro, NC 27203