Saturday, February 8

Latest Past Events

Asheboro Summer Cruise Series

Randolph County Courthouse 176 E Salisbury St, Asheboro

Asheboro Summer Cruise-In Series, organized by Grounded Elegance Car Club (Michael Allred) and Brightside Gallery (Mary Murkin) will be hosting a cruise in from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the parking lot of the Randolph County Courthouse, 176 E. Salisbury Street, Asheboro, NC. The theme of the evening will be cars, cruising, fellowship, and yummy […]


Asheboro Downtown Farmers’ Market

Asheboro Downtown Farmers Market 134 S Church St, Asheboro

The Asheboro Downtown Farmers' Market is a growers only market where you will find local, homegrown and home processed products. The market is open on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 7:00am - 1:00pm during the months of May - October. For more information on the market, call 336-626-1240 x1

Asheboro Downtown Farmers’ Market

Asheboro Downtown Farmers Market 134 S Church St, Asheboro

The Asheboro Downtown Farmers' Market is a growers only market where you will find local, homegrown and home processed products. The market is open on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 7:00am - 1:00pm during the months of May - October. For more information on the market, call 336-626-1240 x1