Bicyclist Hit By Car in Randleman – Airlifted In Critical Condition
RANDLEMAN N.C. - A bicyclist was airlifted in critical condition this evening after being struck while crossing the street in front of Sir Pizza in Randleman.
According to officials on the scene at 6:42 pm Randolph County 911 dispatched the Randleman Police and Fire Departments along with Randolph County EMS to 413 S Main St. A 911 caller reported a bicyclist who was crossing the street was struck by a vehicle.
Randleman firefighters arrived on scene at 6:45 pm, just 3 minutes after they were dispatched, and the victim was transported to the practice field located behind Randleman High School where UNC Air Care landed to pick up the patient.
S Main St was closed between Sunset St and W Brown St for several hours as police gathered evidence and investigated the accident.