Saturday, March 15

Tag: Election Workers

Urgent Need For Election Officials in Randolph County

Urgent Need For Election Officials in Randolph County

ASHEBORO N.C. - The Randolph County Board of Elections says they are in urgent need of people to work as election officials during the upcoming election. According to Melissa Johnson, Director of the Randolph County Board of Elections, they are in urgent need of election workers on Election Day, May 17, 2022, as well as during early voting from April 28-May 14. “With the primary election moving from March to May 17th, some of our usual workers could not rearrange their schedules to work this election. Others have gotten jobs or have health issues or other reasons why they cannot serve during this election. Elections offices are always looking for dedicated people who are willing to serve their community." said Johnson in an email. The positions, including training are paid. Johnson...
Board Of Election Issues Warning About Door-to-Door Canvassers

Board Of Election Issues Warning About Door-to-Door Canvassers

ASHEBORO N.C. - The North Carolina Board of Elections is letting voters know that state and county election officials will never go door-to-door conducting any type of election business. In a statement issued today the State Board of Elections says they are "reminding North Carolina residents that state and county election officials will never go door-to-door conducting any type of election business." The warning comes after reports that some private individuals are going door-to-door seeking information from North Carolina voters about the 2020 general election. Election officials say these individuals are not election officials. The board recomends the following advice. If a person comes to your house claiming to be an elections worker, ask them to verify their identity and ...