Monday, January 13

Tag: Nori

North Carolina Zoo Mourning Death of Chimp Nori

North Carolina Zoo Mourning Death of Chimp Nori

NC Zoo
Credit - NC Zoo ASHEBORO N.C. (NC ZOO) - The North Carolina Zoo sadly announces the death of Nori, an 11-year-old member of the chimpanzee troop who was euthanized on Monday after a period of declining health. Nori, who was born at the Zoo on August 2, 2010, was described by Zoo staff as quirky and full of sass. When Nori was born, keepers immediately noticed that her mother wasn't showing the appropriate maternal care she needed to survive. After observing this for a few days, the animal care team decided to pull her for hand-rearing. Though she was successfully reunited with the other chimps at four months and enjoyed a typical life with the troop, she started showing signs of being disoriented around the age of five.  Her clinical signs progressed to include loss of bal...