Sunday, March 16

Tag: Outage

Power and Internet Outage Caused by Tractor Trailer Accident

Power and Internet Outage Caused by Tractor Trailer Accident

Repair crews working on Albemarle Rd during the early afternoon on April 4th, 2023. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal] ASHEBORO N.C. - Today we are learning details about what led to customers across Randolph County losing power, internet, and cell service Tuesday. On April 4th, 2023, at 1pm, Randolph County Emergency Services dispatched Asheboro Fire/Rescue to a utility call on Albemarle Rd. According to Samantha East, Public Information Officer for the department, their crews arrived on scene to find a power pole that was broken with several lines in the roadway and one lying across a truck. (Video Credit - Alex Perdue) By email the Asheboro Police says an Eveready Battery truck was involved however they were unable to say to what...
Yes, Facebook Is Down, Other Sites Also Having Issues

Yes, Facebook Is Down, Other Sites Also Having Issues

Breaking News
artinspiring / Adobe Stock ASHEBORO NC - Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and Whatsapp are all down this morning as of 9AM. Staff at Acme News confirmed the outage by trying to access the sites from multiple devices on different internet connections. Down Detector is showing multiple sites down as of 1PM and many other websites are reporting issues as well. UPDATE (10/4/21 12PM) - At 12:22 PM Facebook release a statement on Twitter saying that they are aware that some people are having trouble accessing their apps and products and they are working to get things back to normal. UPDATE (10/5/21 2PM) - Yesterday Facebook (and all its associated apps like Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp) disappeared from the internet fo...