Friday, March 14

Tag: Spring Forward

Ready to ‘Spring Forward’? Daylight Saving Time Starts this Sunday

Ready to ‘Spring Forward’? Daylight Saving Time Starts this Sunday

Daylight Savings Time (Stock Photo / Randolph News Now) ASHEBORO N.C. - Daylight Saving Time starts this Sunday as most of the country 'springs forward' for the annual trade where we all lose an hour of sleep, in exchange for more daylight in the coming spring and summer months. When Does the Time Change Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday, March 10th, 2024, at 2 a.m. As clocks 'spring forward' 2 a.m. becomes 3 a.m. Daylight saving time for 2024 will end on Sunday, November 3, 2024, 2:00 a.m. According to a poll by the Assoicated Press in 2021, "Forty-three percent want to stay on standard time year-round, while 32% prefer to see the clocks remain on daylight saving time.  Only 25% percent like the existing state of affairs in most of the country, shifting back and fo...
Get Ready to ‘Spring Forward’ This Weekend as Daylight Savings Starts

Get Ready to ‘Spring Forward’ This Weekend as Daylight Savings Starts

(Clock / Stock Photo / Acme News) ASHEBORO N.C. - Daylight Saving Time starts this Sunday as most of the country 'springs forward' for the annual trade of an hour of sleep for more daylight in the coming spring and summer months. When Does the Time Change Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday, March 12th, 2023, at 2 a.m. As clocks 'spring forward' 2 a.m. becomes 3 a.m. resulting in a lost hour of sleep but more daylight hours during the summer. Daylight saving time for 2023 will end on Sunday, Nov. 5, at 2 a.m. I Thought We Were Done with This? In April of 2021, the North Carolina House passed a bill titled "NC Time Zone/Observe DST All Year" that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent (year-round). The bill was sent to the Senate on February 2nd, 2021, but has not mo...
Get Ready To Spring Forward As Daylight Saving Time Starts Tonight

Get Ready To Spring Forward As Daylight Saving Time Starts Tonight

Sunday, March 13, 2022, at 2:00:00 am clocks are move forward 1 hour to 3:00 am New research finds that fatal car crashes increase by 6 percent the week following daylight saving time (DST) The Sunshine Protection Act which would make DST the new "permanent time" eliminating the changing of the clocks but the bill has been stuck since Feb 2021 ASHEBORO N.C. - Tonight we trade an hour of sleep for more sun during the day as we "spring-forward" tonight into Daylight Saving Time. Sunday, March 13, 2022, at 2:00:00 am clocks are move forward 1 hour to 3:00 am resulting in more daylight hours and the sun setting later in the day. In a press release from the NCDOT officials are asking anyone who drives early in the morning to go to bed an hour early to ensure they get th...