Friday, February 7

Randleman Hardee’s A Total Loss – Water Heater Likely Cause

RANDLEMAN NC (ACME NEWS) – Four days after a fire consumed the Hardee’s in Randleman investigators say the building is a total loss. According to Michael Smith, assistant chief and fire investigator with the Randleman Fire Department while the investigation is still underway he is confident that a water heater malfunction is to blame for starting the fire. Smith says he is waiting on a few final pieces of information including video surveillance footage before making his determination final.

The total damage is estimated at between $800,000 and $1.5 million, including lost profits. According to county records the property is owned by Hardee’s corporate office located in Tennessee. While we have reached out to them for comment about the future of the location and the connected jobs, we were not able to reach anyone by phone and at the time of this article, we have not yet received a reply to an email.