Wednesday, January 22

Randolph Health Eases Visitor Restrictions

ASHEBORO NC – Randolph Health has announced they will again be easing visitor restrictions at Randolph Hospital. The new visitation guidelines began on Wednesday, June 2, 2021, at 7 a.m. This is the second time this year that Randolph Health has scaled back restrictions put in place since it began to accept low-level COVID-19 patients in December of last year. 

The new guidelines extend the number of hours visitors are allowed, increase the number of visitors allowed at one time, and add new rules for maternity patients. All visitors are still required to be screened for COVID-19 symptoms including a temperature check and symptom survey before being allowed into the building. 

New Visitation Guidelines:

  • Visiting Hours will be from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Visitors should enter the hospital through the Emergency Department. The main Visitor Entrance will remain closed. Parking is available in the parking garage located at the corner of White Oak Street and Miller Street.
  • Visitors will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms including a temperature check and symptom survey upon entering the facility.
  • If visitor COVID-19 screening is negative, they will be allowed to enter. If
  • COVID-19 screening is positive, visitor will be encouraged to see their Primary Care physician and will not be allowed to enter.
  • All visitors need to be masked, use proper hand hygiene and maintain social distancing when in the facility.
  • TWO visitors per patient will be permitted to visit each day.
  • COVID-19 patients are NOT permitted to have visitors.
  •  Maternity patients are permitted a designated support person and a second visitor is allowed, but must remain the same person throughout the patient’s stay. One of the two guests will be eligible to spend the night in the room, and the two can alternate nights if the birthing mother has a multi-night stay.
  • Exceptions can be made to allow a limited number of people to visit those nearing the end of life or other special circumstances. People should talk with the patient’s nurse about these and other situations.

Ft Image Scott Pelkey / Acme News Archive