Friday, February 7

Local News Making A Comeback (Pt2)- Randolph Record

Photo Provided by: Randolph Record

ASHEBORO NC – In part two of our coverage about local news making a comeback in Randolph county we take a look at the Randolph Record.

Founded in 2016 the North State Journal is a statewide newspaper which operates several local papers. “The Randolph Record is a logical extension of what we have been doing,” said Neal Robbins, Publisher at the North State Journal. “I wanted to bring a true local newspaper to Randolph County just like we have been doing all over the state.”
The first edition of the Randolph Record was published on July 7th and is now in its 10th week. Robbins says the paper is still in a “launch phase”, but he is confident that they have nailed down the delivery capabilities, supply lines, and reporting, and are working on filling out the staff. The Randolph Record currently has 3 reporters, as well as local photojournalist and RCC Photography Program attendee PJ Ward-Brown on staff. They are looking to bring on 2 more reporters and a second photojournalist. “We’re getting the news, we’re hitting deadlines, we’re really happy with the presentation we can deliver.”

Neal Robbins / The Randolph Record

A Randolph County native and Southwestern Randolph High School graduate, Robbins thinks the problem of not having a good source for local news isn’t something that just crept up in the last few months. “People need to know what your local government is doing, what your local police are doing, what the city council is doing.” Robbins hopes the new paper will “elevate the conversation to fact-based reporting.”

Robbins has big plans for the Randolph Record, while the publication is currently publishing a weekly print edition and a website, he hopes to publish more frequently. “The Randolph Record is not just a print newspaper, our goal is to be a true countywide news outlet.” As a part of that goal the Randolph Record has a free news site where they have been posting frequently.

While the Randolph Record has local focus, the North State Journal is the backbone of the newspaper, according to Robbins. “As a citizen of Randolph County, I need to know what is going on in my community but also the Triad region, the state and our nation.,” he said. “The North State Journal is now a comprehensive news source for Randolph County.”

“People in Randolph County have never seen a paper like the North State Journal,” says Robbins. Subscriptions can be purchased from the Randolph Record website and are $50 per year or you can buy a single edition off a rack locally for $1.