Sunday, February 16

Threat To AHS Attributed To TikTok Challenge

By cynannered -, CC0,
Asheboro High School- By cynannered –, CC0,

ASHEBORO N.C. — Police are attributing a perceived threat to Asheboro High School to a TikTok Challenge.

Overnight a post on social media with a photo of three guns and a large knife in the background urged students not to go to school today at AHS, Acme News was able to determine that the text was added to another post, that was added to yet another post which said “Bro. Do not go to school tomorrow. This is not a joke anymore the everyone in the district has been threatened”.

Several school districts both nation wide and locally have had to respond to threats that have gone viral on social media and appear to have started on TikTok. Assistant Chief of Police Robbie Brown said by email that they are “aware of the TikTok challenge and have spoken with Dr. Drew Maerz with Asheboro City Schools.” Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, Yadkin County Schools, Stokes County Schools, and Surry County Schools all issued statements saying they are aware of the threats and are increasing security and working with schools. Police are saying while they do not think the threats are creditable, that if you see something say something and REPORT, DON’T REPOST. Police ask that you contact them instead of sharing possible threats online.

Randolph News Now reached out to Asheboro City Schools for comment but has not heard back at the time of posting. We will update this post as more information is made available

UPDATE 12/17/21 11 A.M. — Asheboro City Schools has sent a message to families regarding the threat.

“Good morning staff and families,

Please be assured that we are aware of the concerning TikTok challenge circulating social media. The safety of each student and staff member is our number one priority. As such, we have increased law enforcement on each of our campuses today.

Our goal is a great last day before the winter holiday break.

Thank you for your support.”

Asheboro City Schools