Friday, October 18

Out of the Sheriff’s Race & into the Courtroom – Hicks Charged for Larceny of Seabolt Sign

ASHEBORO N.C. – Eric Hicks may be out of the running for Sheriff in 2022, but he’s nowhere near to being out of the news.

Over the weekend, former candidate for Randolph County Sheriff, Eric Hicks was caught on video, along with another individual, removing a “Seabolt for Sheriff” campaign sign in Archdale.

That sign was placed on private property at N Main St. and Mitchell Rd in Archdale with the permission of the landowner. At around 2pm, Archdale police received a call about two white males damaging a sign at the location. Police responded and investigated, determining that neither individual had permission from the landowner nor Sheriff Seabolt to remove the sign.

Today we learned from court records that the Archdale Police Department has issued criminal summons for Eric Scott Hicks and David Todd Hight for larceny of stolen goods and injury to personal property in connection with the incident.

The theft and vandalism of signs has been such a problem that on Feb 10th, 2022, Sheriff Seabolt posted an update to Facebook about using deer cameras to capture those responsible.

According to the Randolph County Board of Elections, Eric Hicks was one of four candidates who opened candidate committees for the position of Randolph County Sheriff. Recently, Hicks pulled out of the race, throwing his support behind former Sheriff Robert Graves. Saturday Hicks was seen at a campaign event for Graves at the 311-flea market.

More information will be added as it becomes available.