Sunday, March 16

Woman Arrested On Warrant For Vehicle Theft Pepper Sprays Officer

ASHEBORO N.C. – A woman is facing additional charges after she pepper sprayed an officer while being arrested on an outstanding warrant.

On April 14, 2022, Asheboro Police Department arrested Kristi Jo Moss Hodge on multiple outstanding warrants and orders for arrest. Officers located evidence during the arrest that linked Hodge to an April 12th vehicle theft in Ramseur that the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office was investigating.

According to an official with the Asheboro Police Department, shortly after Hodge was placed into handcuffs she was able to slip her hand out of one of the cuffs and retrieve a pepper spray container from her bra area. That’s when according to police Hodge sprayed one officer in the face with the spray, before being once again secured in handcuffs. A second officer, which arrived to assist the officer who was sprayed was also exposed to spray that was lingering in the area.

The Asheboro Police Department charged Hodge with resisting public officer, carrying concealed weapon, and 2 counts of felony-assault on a police officer.

On April 18, 2022, the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office obtained warrants for Hodge for felony larceny of a motor vehicle. Hodge is set to appear on April 25, 2022 for the larceny of motor vehicle charge and on May 3rd 2022 for the assault on an officer and resisting charges.,

At the time of publication Hodge currently has multiple court dates for 38 seperate charges across three counties’ ranging from theft, fraud, probation violations, as well as drug and other charges.

Kristi Jo Moss Hodge

Kristi Jo Moss Hodge

Asheboro Police Department

  • Resisting public officer
  • Carrying concealed weapon
  • Felony-assault on a police officer (2 counts)

Randolph County Sheriff’s Office

  • Felony larceny of a motor vehicle