Saturday, March 15

Domestic Call Leads to Pursuit and Arrest

ASHEBORO N.C. – Late on Friday night deputies responding to a domestic call found themselves in a short vehicle chase that led to one person being arrested.

On July 7th, 2023, the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office responded to Kemp Mill Rd., Asheboro, in reference to a violation of a Domestic Violence Protective Order, also known as a 50-B.

According to information from the Sheriff’s Office, the victim who was returning home saw what they believed to be a vehicle belonging to Robert Mitchell Jenkins on the property. The victim stated they had a 50-B Domestic Violence Protection Order in place and that Jenkins also had an outstanding warrant.

The victim left and met with deputies in a nearby parking lot. While the deputies were speaking with the victim, they say they saw Jenkins in a small tan Chevrolet truck approaching the stop sign at NC 42 and Old NC Hwy 13.

“Deputies quickly re-entered patrol vehicles to attempt to catch up with the vehicle.  A traffic stop was initiation near Spoons Chapel Road on Grantville Lane but the vehicle refused to stop and a vehicle pursuit ensued onto Foxfire Road towards US Highway 64,” said the Sheriff’s Office in an email.

The pursuit ended after the suspect made a left turn onto Arlington Drive, then a right turn onto Medfield Street and into a driveway where Jenkins complied with commands, exited the vehicle, and he was taken into custody.

Jenkins was medically evaluated and then transported to the Randolph County Jail where the magistrate found probable cause for multiple charges. He was also served with a Warrant for Arrest for the 50-B Protective Order Violation that was taken out by the Asheboro Police Department.

Robert Mitchell Jenkins

  • Misdemeanor Flee/Elude Arrest M/V
  • Misdemeanor Domestic Violence Protective Order Violation
  • Rear Lamps Violation
  • Expired / No Inspection
  • Fail Maintain Lane Control

Bond was denied due State law due to the domestic incident. Jenkins was set to appear in Randolph County District Court this morning.