Thursday, March 27


NCDOT Needs Feedback on Proposed Trail Expansion Project in Randleman

NCDOT Needs Feedback on Proposed Trail Expansion Project in Randleman

Government, Local
Map of proposed expantion from Great Trails State Implementation Report. RANDLEMAN N.C. - The N.C. Department of Transportation is seeking public input on plans to extend the Deep Rivier Trail in Randleman. The proposed project would extend the existing 1-mile Deep River Nature Trail in Randleman on both ends, creating a 5.6-mile trail segment along the Deep River that includes a scenic natural surface trail loop in a Deep River oxbow near Randleman Lake. The Deep River Trail expansion is one of 10 projects identified as part of the Great Trails State Implementation Report as having the most impact and being most ready for implementation. NC DOT says the projects were chosen for their equity benefits and connectivity to the larger state trails network. The project cost is esti...
Asheboro Police Department Announces Chief Mark Lineberry To Retire in March

Asheboro Police Department Announces Chief Mark Lineberry To Retire in March

ASHEBORO N.C. (City of Asheboro) - The City of Asheboro, along with the Asheboro Police Department, would like to announce that after nearly 32 years of dedicated service to the City of Asheboro and its citizens, Chief Mark Lineberry plans to retire effective March 1, 2024. Chief Lineberry started his career in law enforcement in May 1992 at the Asheboro Police Department. Lineberry worked as a patrol officer and detective until October 2001 when he was promoted to Sergeant. Lineberry rose through the ranks ultimately being selected as Chief of Police in October 2019. Mark Lineberry, Chief of Police, Asheboro Police Department (City of Asheboro Website) During Lineberry's tenure as chief he implemented Body Worn Cameras for the department, oversaw the department during the Covid p...
2024 Primary Election Early Voting Dates Announced

2024 Primary Election Early Voting Dates Announced

ASHEBORO N.C. - Early voting dates and locations for the 2024 Primary Election in Randolph County have been announced by the Randolph County Board of Elections. Early voting will start on Thursday, February 15th, 2024, and run through Saturday March 2nd, 2024. Weekdays early voting will be from 8 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. with different hours on weekends and not early voting held on Saturday, February 24th, or Sunday, February 25th, 2024. The Primary Election will be on March 5th, 2024 – 6:30 a.m. -7:30 p.m. You must vote at your assigned voting precinct site on Election Day. Early Voting Locations Randolph County Board of Elections - 1457 N. Fayetteville Street, Asheboro Braxton Craven School Gym - 7037 NC Hwy 62, Trinity Randleman Civic Center - 122 Commerce Square, Randleman...
Asheboro Police Department Taking Applications for Spring Citizens Academy

Asheboro Police Department Taking Applications for Spring Citizens Academy

Participants with Asheboro Police Department's Citizens Academy see a demonstration of arrest techniques during one of the classes. (Scott Pelkey / Acme News Archive) ASHEBORO N.C. – The Asheboro Police Department is taking applications for its Citizens Academy set to start in March. The Asheboro Police Department’s Citizens Academy is designed to educate members of the community on how the department operates, its programs, as well as a chance to get to know the officers who work in the community. Citizen’s academy classes that meet once a week, usually in the afternoon/evening, for nine weeks with each class focused on a specific topic. Those topics include arrest techniques, traffic stops, DUI Investigations, police K9 use and demonstrations, crime scene investigation, and an ...
Sheriff’s Office Taking Applications for Spring Citizens Academy

Sheriff’s Office Taking Applications for Spring Citizens Academy

(Photo provided by Randolph County Sheriff's Office) ASHEBORO N.C. –The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office is again offering the Sheriff’s Citizen Academy to Randolph County residents who are interested in learning more about the Sheriff’s Office and how they operate. The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office Citizen Academy is designed to help citizens understand how the Sheriff’s Office operates. Class for the upcoming academy include a tour of the Sheriff’s Office and Emergency Services Headquarters, driving, firearm, and K9 demonstrations, tours of the jail and courthouse, and the opportunity to learn more about everything from Community Based Programs, Patrol Operations, Fleet Maintenance, and more. A former student describes the program as an “excellent behind the scenes” program t...
Town of Liberty to Conduct Sewer Smoke Testing Thursday

Town of Liberty to Conduct Sewer Smoke Testing Thursday

LIBERTY N.C. - The Town of Liberty has announced they will be conducting sewer smoke testing this Thursday (Jan 4th, 2024). The town announced the testing on Facebook. According to post, "smoke testing consists of injecting a harmless, non-toxic fog into a manhole, which will then spread throughout the path of the piping and will take place in the south and east portions of the town. Map - OpenStreetMap® The testing is taking place to detect potential issues and defects throughout the sewer collection system resulting from inflow and infiltration (l & l) from rain water and other liquids that may enter the sewer collection system and have to be treated at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)." For more information and/or questions, please call 336-622-3955.
Teen Driver Law Changes Take Effect in the New Year

Teen Driver Law Changes Take Effect in the New Year

rocketclips / Adobe Stock ROCKY MOUNT N.C. (NCDOT) – The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles wants to remind teen drivers and their parents of changes to the Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) system made by the legislature that will go into effect in the new year. Beginning Jan 1st, 2024, teen drivers will need to have their Level 1 Limited Learner Permit for nine months instead of the current six months before being able to get their Level 2 Limited Provisional License. DMV Commissioner Wayne Goodwin said, “The law doesn’t allow for grandfathering anyone in, so if someone has their six months of Level 1 in before the end of the year but doesn’t get in to take their road test by Dec. 29, they will have to wait until they hit nine months to take the road test and get their Level 2. Anyo...
New Fusion Center to Combat Child Predators & Trafficking Announced in Randolph County

New Fusion Center to Combat Child Predators & Trafficking Announced in Randolph County

Government, News
[Scott Pelkey | North State Journal] ASHEBORO N.C. – At a joint press conference, the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office announced a new task force and plans for a fusion center in Randolph County, all dedicated to combating child trafficking and exploitation. In August of this year the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office participated in ‘Operation Child Predator,’ leading to the arrest of nineteen individuals for sex crimes. “That operation opened the eyes of several people across the state” said Randolph County Sheriff Greg Seabolt at the press conference. “The operation proved that child abuse, trafficking, and exploitation are much more prevalent than most people know or are willing to admit.” North Carolina is ranked ninth in the nation for human trafficking with sex trafficking b...
PSA – Quarterly Rabies Clinic set for Dec 12th

PSA – Quarterly Rabies Clinic set for Dec 12th

Stock Footage, Inc. via Adobe Stock ASHEBORO N.C. (RCPH) - Local participating Randolph County Veterinarians and the Randolph County Public Health are sponsoring a special Quarterly Rabies Clinic. Rabies vaccinations will be available for your pets on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. The clinic will be held during regular business hours at the offices of the participating veterinarians. The cost is only $10.00 per dog or cat. The best way to protect your pet and family is to have your pet vaccinated. Puppies and kittens should receive their first rabies shot at 4 months, the second at 16 months, and then every three years thereafter. Please bring your pet’s certificate of previous vaccinations so your veterinarian can update this record. If you have any questions about the Rabies Clini...
City of Asheboro Authorizes Offer on Land for New Fire Station / Emergency Center

City of Asheboro Authorizes Offer on Land for New Fire Station / Emergency Center

Ladder 1 at Asheboro Fire & Rescue Station 1 in 2020 (Archive Photo / Acme News) ASHEBORO N.C. - The City of Asheboro has authorized an offer to purchase land on Zoo Parkway for a new Fire Station and Emergency Operations Center with construction set to start as soon as next year.  At the City Council Meeting held on November 8th, 2023, council members voted unanimously to authorize $120,000 from the city’s general fund to make an offer to purchase 3.25 acres of land on Zoo Parkway at Crestview Church Rd.  That land would be used to build a new Fire Station and Emergency Operations Center which is needed to help keep up with increasing call volume and to ensure response times stay at or under five minutes now and into the future.  Those goals are especially i...