Saturday, March 15


U.S. Forest Service proposes recreation fee changes on Uwharrie National Forest

U.S. Forest Service proposes recreation fee changes on Uwharrie National Forest

(bodnarphoto / Adobe Stock) ASHEVILLE, N.C. (NCnfs) — The U.S. Forest Service is proposing to change recreation fees at two sites on the Uwharrie National Forest and the public is invited to provide input to proposed fee changes for 60 days beginning on June 23rd, 2023 and ending on August 22nd, 2023. The goal of these changes is to improve visitor experiences through site upgrades paid for by the collected fees.  These fee changes are only proposed. After public comment is received, the Forest will assess the comments and concerns and then present the fee proposals to the Southern Region Recreation Resource Advisory Committee (RRAC) at a future date. "The Uwharrie National Forest provides a variety of recreational opportunities for visitors and we are continually working on ways ...
Sheriff’s Citizen Academy Taking Applications

Sheriff’s Citizen Academy Taking Applications

A K9 handler demonstrates the Sheriff’s Office K9 during a Citizen Academy at the Randolph County Emergency Services Headquarters. (Credit: Randolph County Sheriff’s Office via Facebook) ASHEBORO N.C. - The Randolph County Sheriff's Office is again offering the Sheriff's Citizen Academy to Randolph County residents who are interested in learning more about the Sheriff's Office and how they operate. The Randolph County Sheriff's Office Citizen Academy is designed to help citizens understand how the Sheriff's Office operates. Class for the upcoming academy include a tour of the Sheriff's Office and Emergency Services Headquarters, driving, firearm, and K9 demonstrations, tours of the jail and courthouse, and the oppertunity to learn more about everything from Community Based Programs, ...
State Launches Approval Process for Student and Government Employee IDs for Voting

State Launches Approval Process for Student and Government Employee IDs for Voting

Credit - 24K-Production / Adobe Stock RALEIGH, N.C. (NCSBOE) — The State Board of Elections is encouraging eligible educational institutions and government agencies to apply to have their student and employee photo IDs approved for voting purposes in upcoming elections.  Beginning with the 2023 municipal elections, registered voters in North Carolina will be asked to present photo identification to vote. Student identification cards issued by North Carolina public or private universities and colleges, as well as employee identification cards issued by state and local government entities and charter schools, are valid forms of photo ID for voting when approved by the State Board. Many other types of photo ID, including driver’s licenses, also will be accepted for voting. Howeve...
New “Tales for Tails” Program Combines Reading and Animals to Help Reading Skills

New “Tales for Tails” Program Combines Reading and Animals to Help Reading Skills

Photo provided by Juvenile Day Reporting Center ASHEBORO N.C. - More than half of Randolph County students are reading below their grade level and the Juvenile Day Reporting Center’s new "Tales for Tails" program aims to combat this problem by combining reading and animals.  According to the Randolph County School’s annual report card: 54% of students in North Carolina are not proficient in reading. 60% of Randolph County students are not proficient and are below the grade level.  49% of students in Randolph County perform below average in English.   “Reading proficiency is highly correlated with future success and high school graduation,” says Pamela Resch, Director of the Juvenile Day Reporting Center. “Reading helps children learn to make sense of the ...
Teen Driver Law Changes to Take Effect Monday, May 8

Teen Driver Law Changes to Take Effect Monday, May 8

ROCKY MOUNT N.C. (NCDOT) – Upon passage of a bill by the North Carolina General Assembly, the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles is announcing changes to the graduated driver licensing (GDL) program for teens. Effective May 8, teen drivers will again need to have their Level 1 Limited Learner Permit for six months before being able to get their Level 2 Limited Provisional License. Teen drivers will still be required to: be at least 16 years old, log 60 hours of driving time, pass a road test and show printed proof of insurance in the teen driver’s name. The requirement to advance to Level 2 had been 12 months for most of the last 25 years since the GDL system was put into place in 1997. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the legislature temporarily shortened this requirement to six months. T...
Prescription Drug Take Back Event Scheduled for April 19th

Prescription Drug Take Back Event Scheduled for April 19th

Events, Government
Photo: Randolph County Sheriff's Office ASHEBORO N.C. - The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office and Safe Kids Randolph County are hosting a Prescription Drug Take Back Day on April 19, 2023, to allow individuals to just drive through and dispose of prescription drugs that could be diverted or misused. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers the misuse of opioid medications an epidemic. Proper disposal of expired, unused, and unneeded medications from the home is a crucial element of a strategy for promoting public health and safety. Each day, approximately 2,500 teenagers use prescription drugs to get high for the first time. "Anything we can do to keep potentially dangerous prescription drugs out of the wrong hands is a win for the community," said Sheriff Greg Seab...
Asheboro WIC Office Relocating on April 19

Asheboro WIC Office Relocating on April 19

ASHEBORO N.C. - The Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) office located inside the Randolph County Public Health main building on South Fayetteville Street is moving to a new location. In a press release, Randolph County Public Health announced that as of Wednesday, April 19th, 2023, the WIC office will be relocating to Northgate Shopping Center at 1461 North Fayetteville Street, in Asheboro. The Northgate Shopping Center is also home to the County Board of Elections, Asheboro Police Department Substation, and the Adult Day Reporting Center. WIC’s phone number and office hours (Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm) will remain the same. WIC will continue to provide services to its clients at the satellite clinic in Archdale on Thursdays. If you have any questions, please contact...
Sewer System Smoke Testing Starts in Ramseur Today

Sewer System Smoke Testing Starts in Ramseur Today

Sewer / 'manhole' cover (BGStock72 / Adobe Stock) ASHEBORO N.C. - The town of Ramseur is planning is warning residents that they will be conducting smoke testing of the local sewer system, starting today. According to an announcement on Facebook, starting today, April 3, 2023, the Town of Ramseur will be smoke testing all sanitary sewer lines in this area to locate defects in the sewer system. "The "smoke" that you see coming from the vent stacks on houses or holes in the ground or streets is non-toxic, harmless and creates no fire hazard. Smoke should not enter your house unless you have defective plumbing or dried up drain traps. Should smoke enter your home, you may contact a member of the smoke testing crew working in the area." According to the Town, the information gath...
Law Changes After Veto Overridden – Pistol Purchase Permits No Longer Required

Law Changes After Veto Overridden – Pistol Purchase Permits No Longer Required

Handgun sits in display case in gun store (AS Photo Family / Adobe Stock) ASHEBORO NC - Individuals looking to purchase a handgun in North Carolina are no longer required to obtain a pistol purchase permit from the local Sheriff's Office after the NC General Assembly overrode Gov. Cooper’s veto of Senate Bill 41. Senate Bill 41, also known as the “Guarantee 2nd Amendment Freedom and Protections,” was passed by the NC General Assembly and sent to Gov. Cooper on March 16th, 2023. Last Friday, Gov. Cooper vetoed the bill saying that "eliminating strong background checks will allow more domestic abusers and other dangerous people to own handguns and reduces law enforcement's ability to stop them from committing violent crimes. Second Amendment supporting, responsible gun owners know thi...
Level Cross Fire Department Announces Promotions

Level Cross Fire Department Announces Promotions

(All photos provided by Level Cross Vol Fire Dept) LEVEL CROSS N.C. - Wednesday night, the Level Cross Volunteer Fire Department celebrated promotions of three of their own. In a statement Chief Ridgeway said, "Congratulations to all on a well-deserved promotion. We feel you add to our command staff with knowledge, skills, and experience. Keep being solid brothers and let's keep progressing forward!" Lieutenant Bryson Curl - Promoted to Captain “Captain Curl plays an instrumental part in our agency when it comes to leadership, friendship, and Brotherhood. He is one person we know we can depend on when needed. He is a member of our truck committee and assist in updating our equipment.” Lieutenant Stephan Arnold - Promoted to Captain “Captain Arnold plays an i...