Friday, March 14


Asheboro Fire | Engineer Pete Sulzer Promoted

Pete Sulzer – Provided by Asheboro Fire Department Asheboro Fire Department announced that Engineer Pete Sulzer has been promoted to the position of Captain with the Department.According to Asheboro FD Captains act as company officers who direct the day to day operations of their company. They lead their company on multi-company incidents, and act as incident commander on single-company incidents or in the absence of the Battalion Chief. Congratulations, Pete!
Click It or Ticket It Campaign Kicks Off

Click It or Ticket It Campaign Kicks Off

Government RALEIGH NC (NCDOT) – As the busy summer traveling season nears, state transportation officials are reminding people to wear their seat belts to reduce the risk of being seriously injured or killed. More than 500 people who were not wearing seat belts or buckled into child safety seats died in vehicle crashes on North Carolina roadways last year. “Seat belts and child safety seats save lives,” said Eric Boyette, secretary of the N.C. Department of Transportation. “We know that not wearing a seat belt can be the worst decision you’ll ever make.” Boyette spoke Monday during a virtual news conference to kick off the Memorial Day Click It or Ticket It enforcement and education campaign. The statewide seat belt usage rate has fallen the...
SBI Investigating Campaign Complaint Against Sheriff Seabolt

SBI Investigating Campaign Complaint Against Sheriff Seabolt

ASHEBORO NC - Earlier this week the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) confirmed they had opened an investigation into allegations of misconduct made against Randolph County Sheriff Greg Seabolt. The investigation was requested on May 5th by Randolph County District Attorney Andy Gregson. Gregson said he received complaints that Sherriff Seabolt was using a county-issued vehicle to haul campaign signs. One of those complaints was filed by former candidate for Randolph County Sheriff Erick Hicks. The Randolph County Board of Elections confirmed that Mr. Hicks is one of four individuals who have opened candidate committees in preparation for the 2022 Randolph County Sheriff's Office. race Photos shared with Randolph News Now by Mr. Hicks show a county owned vehicle, a...
DMV Resumes Regular Road Tests for Drivers 15-17 Years Old

DMV Resumes Regular Road Tests for Drivers 15-17 Years Old

Dragana Gordic / Adobe Stock ROCKY MOUNT NC (NC DOT) – With health safety conditions improving in North Carolina, the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles is resuming regular road tests this week. This ends the Contactless Road Test program that had been required for 15-17-year-old drivers seeking their Level 3 Full Provisional license and a select group of other drivers who could not qualify for a road test waiver.All drivers who already had been scheduled for a Contactless Road Test should keep that appointment but be aware they will instead be taking a road test in regular traffic conditions, instead of the parking lots where Contactless Road Tests were conducted.Other 15-17-year-old drivers who have had their Level 2 Limited License for at least six months can schedule an appointment at ...
City of Asheboro To Get Electric Vehicle Chargers

City of Asheboro To Get Electric Vehicle Chargers

Roman Babakin / Adobe Stock ASHEBORO NC - The city of Asheboro announced that they recently requested and received funding from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality to pay for the purchase and installation of a two-port Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station. The charging station will be located in the public parking lot behind City Hall, located at 146 North Church Street, and should be available for use later this year. Funding is through the Volkswagen Settlement and the state.

Asheboro Fire | Captain Ben Hicks Promoted

Ben Hicks – Provided by Asheboro Fire Department The Asheboro Fire Department announced the promotion of Captain Ben Hicks to to Battalion Chief.“AFD’s three Battalion Chiefs act as shift commanders, coordinating the day to day operations of all companies in the city on their assigned shift and acting as incident commander on multi-company incidents.” Way to go Ben!
Asheboro Airport Gets Grant From DOT For Upgrades

Asheboro Airport Gets Grant From DOT For Upgrades

Asheboro Regional Airport (Acme News Archive) ASHEBORO NC - The N.C. Board of Transportation has approved state and federal funding for safety and airfield improvement projects at 10 North Carolina airports. Totaling $12.75 million, the funds have been awarded for various projects to help airports increase capacity, attract new jobs and businesses to their communities, and improve safety for pilots and passengers. The board approved the funds during its March 4 meeting. Of that $12.75 million $1.08 million is allocated for airfield lighting rehabilitation at Asheboro Regional Airport. “The switch to full-LED lighting will also reduce our operational costs compared to traditional lights, since LEDs don’t burn out, and allow us to invest even more in the future growth of this airpor...
New Policy will Expand Internet Access for More North Carolina Citizens

New Policy will Expand Internet Access for More North Carolina Citizens

RALEIGH NC (NCDOT PRESS RELEASE) – More North Carolinians, especially in rural areas, will be able to access affordable, high-speed internet service, thanks to the new state Dig Once Policy spearheaded by Governor Roy Cooper. “The pandemic has highlighted the critical need for high-speed internet in our daily lives,” said Governor Cooper. "Making it easier to install broadband will help people from all corners of our state get connected to online health care, education and business services they need.” The Dig Once Policy, which took effect March 1, will help expand broadband access in the state by making it less expensive and easier to install broadband conduit along state-maintained roads. Cooper issued a 2019 executive order directing the state departments of Information Technolog...

Hasty To Join 2022 Sheriffs Race

ASHEBORO NC - With eight months left before the filing opens for the 2022 Randolph County Sheriffs Office primary, another candidate has announced they will be joining the race. Photo provided by Timmy Hasty Timmy Hasty a 34 year veteran of the Randolph County Sherriff's office, announced on Facebook back in late March that he will running for the office. "I feel that the office of Sheriff requires a higher level of dedication and desire to SERVE the deputies and the citizens, said Hasty. Hasty says if elected he plans to take a "hard and aggressive approach" towards Randolph County's drug problem, to maintain the fiscal responsibility of the office and work to reduce unnecessary spending, and to "create an environment that would eliminate political terminations of deputies and al...
Military Exercise ‘Robin Sage’ Taking Place In Randolph County

Military Exercise ‘Robin Sage’ Taking Place In Randolph County

Photo provided by US Army USAJFKSWCS Public Affairs Office FORT BRAGG, NC (US Army USAJFKSWCS) - This month, Special Forces candidates will participate in the Robin Sage training exercise, held within multiple North Carolina counties as the final test of their Special Forces Qualification Course training. Between March 27 through April 11, students will participate in this exercise before graduating the course and moving on to their first assignments in the Army's Special Forces community. Robin Sage is a two-week culmination exercise. The participants are students at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, based out of Fort Bragg.  The exercise's notional country of Pineland encompasses Alamance, Anson, Cabarrus, Chatham, Cumberland, Davidson, Davie,...