Sunday, February 16

NC Zoo

NC Zoo Set To Start On Asia This Fall, Hopefully!?

NC Zoo Set To Start On Asia This Fall, Hopefully!?

NC Zoo
Photo by Scott Pelkey / Acme News Archive ASHEBORO NC - The NC Zoo is set to begin work on the new Asia expansion with plans already approved and companies lined up to start construction as early as this fall. That is, provided the N.C. General Assembly passes a budget that includes the funds needed to complete the budget for the project. The originally expected budget for Asia was $65 million, but that estimate had to be increased. “When we did a lot of these estimates, it was several years ago. We’re starting to see inflation in construction costs,” said Diane Villa Director of Communications and Marketing for the NC Zoo. “Right now we’re looking at $75 million for Asia, and our hope is to complete Asia all in one fell swoop rather than phase things.”  Gov. Roy Cooper's bu...
NC Zoo Welcomes Spring And Future Changes

NC Zoo Welcomes Spring And Future Changes

NC Zoo ASHEBORO NC- Just over a year after the NC Zoo was forced to close for several months under the first wave of restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the NC Zoo is officially open for the spring season. That was the message from Reid Wilson, Secretary of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources last Friday at the North Carolina Zoo. With the official spring opening comes the return of attractions, an announcement of a new animal, an update on Asia, and updates on the proposed increase in admission. Re-Opening The initial phases of the state’s stay-at-home order went into effect between March and June last year, when attendance is typically at its highest. The Zoo reported a record low attendance for 2020 of only 350,039, t...
NC Zoo Hiring For Seasonal Positions

NC Zoo Hiring For Seasonal Positions

NC Zoo ASHEBORO NC- The NC Zoo welcomes approximately 800,000 guests each year with the majority of those guests visiting during peak season (between March and October). As they do each year the NC Zoo is ramping up its staff as they start hiring seasonal staff. Seasonal jobs at the NC Zoo pay between $8.50 - $9.50 / hr with positions offering between 15 and 40 hours per week. Candidates must be able to work a flexible schedule including weekends, evenings, and holidays. Some positions have age, physical, and other requirements. See a full listing of seasonal positions and their requirements on the NC Zoo's seasonal position webpage. Seasonal Positions:  Admissions – Cashiers, Gate Attendants and GeneralGuest Services Entertainment - Cashiers, Attrac...
NC Zoo – Price Increases, Asia Update, And More

NC Zoo – Price Increases, Asia Update, And More

NC Zoo
ASHEBORO NC - The NC Zoo Council, a 15-member board appointed by the Governor to oversee the operation and development of the NC Zoo, held its annual meeting through Zoom Wednesday morning. On the agenda; impacts from COVID-19, updates on projects, repairs, new animals, and budgets, as well as an increase in admission prices. Admission Rebounding Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people who visited the zoo plummeted in 2020. The initial phases of the state's stay at home order went into effect between March and June when attendance is typically at its highest. The Zoo reported a record low attendance for 2020 of only 350,039, the lowest yearly attendance since they started keeping track in 1980.  What came as a surprise to many was despite still being limited to 3,000 visi...
NC ZOO Welcomes New Polar Bear

NC ZOO Welcomes New Polar Bear

NC Zoo
Photo provided by the NC Zoo ASHEBORO NC - Today the North Carolina Zoo announced it is welcoming it's newest resident, a 1,000-pound male polar bear. Seventeen-year-old Payton is being relocated from the Memphis Zoo as part of its breeding efforts. Payton was named after Walter Payton – the late running back for the Chicago Bears NFL team. He was born on was born Nov. 8, 2003, at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago but was moved to the Memphis Zoo in 2006. “Seeing Payton leave is bittersweet. He has been a part of our lives at Memphis Zoo for the last 15 years,” said Amanda Moses, communications specialist for the Memphis Zoo. “He is special to Memphis Zoo, and to the keepers and researchers who have worked with him. Moving Payton was not only the best option for him, but also for the rep...
NC Zoo Revises Mask / Timed Entry Policies

NC Zoo Revises Mask / Timed Entry Policies

NC Zoo
ASHEBORO NC - With the holiday season over local families will be looking forward to taking advantage of one of the many benefits of living in Asheboro. Visiting the NC Zoo during the slow season. The new year brings with it new policies and changes at the NC Zoo that you should know before planning you visit.   Face-Covering Requirements  The NC Zoo's revised face-covering policy started today. "We are requiring face coverings throughout the Park starting January 1, 2021 (exemptions for children under 5 and those requesting an exemption due to a medical or behavioral condition, or when actively eating or drinking, in which case you must social distance from others outside your group" said Diane Villa, the Director of Communications and Marketing with the NC Zoo says. Previously face...