Veteran Appreciation Breakfast
Randleman Senior Center 144 W. Academy St, Randleman, NCOpen to all veterans. Please come and share stories and meet new friends.
Open to all veterans. Please come and share stories and meet new friends.
Join us for the third annual Archdale Field of Honor, in memory of service members who are no longer with us. The display will be up from May 25 - […]
The Dedication Ceremony for the Archdale Field of Honor will be held on Thursday, May 23rd, at 5:00PM in the field beside the library. If you would like to sponsor a flag, please click here or call 336-434-7315.
At 9:00 am, local veterans organizations and volunteers from the public will place American flags on the graves of veterans at Randolph Memorial Park and at Oaklawn Cemetery in Asheboro as part of OPERATION REMEMBRANCE.
At 9:00 am, local veterans organizations and volunteers from the public will place American flags on the graves of veterans at Randolph Memorial Park and at Oaklawn Cemetery in Asheboro as part of OPERATION REMEMBRANCE.
At 4:00 pm, the Veterans Council will sponsor a Memorial Day ceremony at the Veterans Memorial, located by the Historic Randolph County Courthouse at 145 Worth Street in Asheboro. For further information, please contact RCVC Commander Rob Wilkins at 336-430-8371 or Vice-Commander Lucky Luckado at 336-498-7146.
Join three local women veterans to learn about their experiences in the military in recognition of Women Veterans Day, which is observed on June 12. Speaking about their service will be: Rita Honeycutt served in the U.S. Air Force from 2005- 2008 before being medically discharged. She was stationed at Port Hueneme in California and […]
he Wall That Heals Coming To Asheboro, NC The Wall That Heals, a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC along with a mobile Education Center, […]