Primary Election Day – What you need to know.
[Scott Pelkey / Acme News]
ASHEBORO N.C. - Citizens across the state are heading to the polls to vote for their picks for their party's' nominee. In Randolph County over 10,000 citizens cast their vote early. Lines at polling places so far today have remained short, with most voters telling us they were in and out in less than 10 minutes.
If you haven't voted yet, here's what you need to know:
Voting Hours
Polls will remain open until 7:30pm
Finding Your Polling Place
If you are not sure where your polling place is, you can look it up online before you leave:
Lookup Your Polling Location
View A Sample Ballot
You can view sample ballots for both the Republican and Democrat Primaries at these links
Republican Party Sample Ballot
Democratic Party Samp...