In Jail For Murder Man Indicted By Grand Jury In Dismissed Child Abuse Case
ASHEBORO N.C. - A local man who is currently in jail charged with first degree murder related to child abuse was recently indicted by the Grand Jury in connection with a 2011 child abuse case.
According to a press release from the Randolph County Sheriff's Office, during the June session of Grand Jury, a true bill of indictment was issued for the arrest of Billy Ray Newsome, III, for felony child abuse-inflicting serious bodily injury.
The Sheriff's office says the indictment stems from a 2011 child abuse case investigated by the Sheriff’s Office's Criminal Investigations Division where Newsome was charged in 2012 for assaulting a seven-month-old child; but, the case was dismissed in 2013 for lack of evidence.
Newsome was charged with first degree murder related to child abuse in...