Friday, March 14

Tag: Board of Elections

2023 Municipal Election Results

2023 Municipal Election Results

Results: UNOFFICIALPrecincts Reported: 100.00% (17 out of 17) ASHEBORO CITY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ Melissa Calloway1,308✅ Ryan Patton1,253✅ Gidget Kidd 1,208Gwen Williams945Todd Dulaney650Write-In (Miscellaneous)15 CITY OF ASHEBORO CITY COUNCIL NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ Joey Trogdon1,079✅ Eddie Burks1,049✅ Charles Swiers977Jane Hughes Redding924Harry Okeke381Write-In (Miscellaneous)19 TOWN OF FRANKLINVILLE MAYOR NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ A. C. Hurley30Write-In (Miscellaneous)7 TOWN OF FRANKLINVILLE TOWN COMMISSIONER NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ Priscilla Dunn31✅ L. McKay (Mac) Whatley25Write-In (Miscellaneous)10 TOWN OF LIBERTY MAYOR NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ Filmore York108Write-In (Miscellaneous)9 ...
Election Day – Voters in Randolph County Head to Polls

Election Day – Voters in Randolph County Head to Polls

ASHEBORO N.C. - Voters across Randolph County are headed to the polls today to cast their ballot in the 2022 mid-term election. Here is what you need to know to vote. Voting Hours Polling locations today will be open until 7:30pm. Where is my polling location? Not all the polling places are the same this year,” said Melissa Johnson, Director of the Randolph County Board of Elections earlier this week. Voters use the North Carolina Board of Elections Voter Lookup Tool online. The tool allows voters to view their polling place and to see a copy of a sample ballot. Curbside voting Curbside voting is offered at all Randolph County polling places. If a voter cannot enter the polling place without assistance due to age or physical disability, he or she may vote either in the v...
Early Voting Coming to an End, Ahead of 2022 Midterm Elections

Early Voting Coming to an End, Ahead of 2022 Midterm Elections

Government, News
ASHEBORO N.C. - There is just a little over a day left to vote ahead of the 2022 mid-terms elections scheduled to take place on November 8th, 2022. Early voting in Randolph County runs today through 7:30pm and Saturday Nov 5th from 8am to 3pm. (View Early Voting Schedule Here) There is no early voting on Sunday Nov 6th or Monday Nov 7th as North Carolina Statute requires a break on those days, between the end of early voting and the start of the election. If you were hoping to vote by mail instead, the deadline to request a ballot ended on November 1st. So far since early voting started on October 20th, 2022, over 22,000 residents of Randolph County have voted early. Thats on par with the last mid-terms in 2018 where 26,000 residents voted early. The biggest question we're goin...
Randolph County Early Voting Schedule

Randolph County Early Voting Schedule

ASHEBORO N.C. - The Randolph County Board of Elections has provided a schedule with early voting locations and hours. You may vote early at any of the above early voting locations, on election day you may only vote at your assigned voting site. To find your polling location or see a copy of the ballot when available you can use the NC Voter Search tool on the state's Election website.
Urgent Need For Election Officials in Randolph County

Urgent Need For Election Officials in Randolph County

ASHEBORO N.C. - The Randolph County Board of Elections says they are in urgent need of people to work as election officials during the upcoming election. According to Melissa Johnson, Director of the Randolph County Board of Elections, they are in urgent need of election workers on Election Day, May 17, 2022, as well as during early voting from April 28-May 14. “With the primary election moving from March to May 17th, some of our usual workers could not rearrange their schedules to work this election. Others have gotten jobs or have health issues or other reasons why they cannot serve during this election. Elections offices are always looking for dedicated people who are willing to serve their community." said Johnson in an email. The positions, including training are paid. Johnson...
Board of Elections Special Meeting (Archdale One-Stop early voting site)

Board of Elections Special Meeting (Archdale One-Stop early voting site)

Breaking News
NOTICE OF SPECIAL CALLED MEETINGThe Randolph County Board of Elections will hold a special called meeting on Monday, March 28, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. at the Board of Elections Office, 1457 N. Fayetteville St., Asheboro. The Board will consider moving the Archdale One-Stop early voting site to the former Braxton Craven School gym in Trinity for the May 17, 2022 Primary Election.For more information, call the Board of Elections at 336-318-6900.Govt Notice > Randolph > BoE
NC 2022 Primary Turning Into A Confusing Mess

NC 2022 Primary Turning Into A Confusing Mess

ASHEBORO N.C. - Back on December 8th, 2021, we reported on the NC Supreme Court stopping candidate filing in all races and pushing the 2022 Statewide Primary Election from March 8th to May 17th. Now, it looks like that date may change again in what can only be called an unmitigated disaster involving multiple lawsuits, a dead map makers estranged daughter, a D.C. based watchdog group. What's Happened So Far September 2021 - A court ordered a redraw of the states election districting map as a part of a decision on a lawsuit filed by Common Cause, a watchdog group based in Washington, D.C. That court said that the General Assembly had gerrymandered the map by "packing" democratic voters into a smaller number of districts and "cracking" republican voters into more districts. Legisla...