Sunday, March 16

Tag: Dr. Shackleford

NCCCS President Stith visits RCC’s Asheboro Campus

NCCCS President Stith visits RCC’s Asheboro Campus

Local ASHEBORO NC (RCC) — North Carolina Community College System President Thomas Stith III toured Randolph Community College’s Asheboro Campus on Thursday, Sept. 30. Stith, in his first year at the NCCCS helm, has now visited 31 of the state’s 58 community colleges. RCC President Dr. Robert S. Shackleford Jr. joined Stith as they visited the new Dr. Robert S. Shackleford Jr. Allied Health Center, the Continuing Education and Industrial Center, and the Photography Imaging Center. “We have 58 great community colleges throughout the state of North Carolina,” Stith said after touring the Allied Health Center, which houses the College’s Associate Degree Nursing, Radiography, Medical Assisting, and Emergency Medical Services programs. “We just saw state-of-the-art...