VICE Conducts Search Warrant, Finds Drugs & Guns at Asheboro Home
ASHEBORO N.C. - The Asheboro Police Department VICE/ Narcotics unit conducted a search warrant at the home of a man on house arrest in Asheboro where they say they found drugs and guns.
On Feb 8th 2022, the VICE/Narcotics unit along with the Special Enforcement Team of the Asheboro Police Department executed a search warrant at a home on Lakeview Rd. Police had obtained a search warrant for the home as well as for Jamie Edward York and Laura Elizabeth Dawson.
Police say when executing a search warrant they located 3 firearms, including 2 handguns,one of which was determined to be stolen, and a sawed off shotgun. Detectives also reported they found approximately 41 grams of suspected methamphetamine, pills, marijuana, andnumerous items of drug paraphernalia.
Jamie Edward York