Thursday, March 13

Tag: North Carolina Department of Transportation

Settlement in Lawsuit Over Revocation of Licenses for Not Paying Traffic / Court Debts

Settlement in Lawsuit Over Revocation of Licenses for Not Paying Traffic / Court Debts

ASHEBORO N.C. - The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) which operates the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV), has announced there has been a settlement in the class-action lawsuit filed back in May of 2018 by several groups including the ACLU on behalf of drivers who lost their licenses because they didn’t pay fines. Over the next 60 days the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (NC DMV) will be contacting more than 185,000 drivers whose licenses were revoked for their failure to pay fines and other court costs. A special notice will inform drivers about their ability under North Carolina General Statute § 20-24.1 to have the NCDMV lift those revocations if the sentencing court finds their failure to pay was not willful and was instead due to their inability to affo...