Saturday, March 15

Tag: Policy

Corporal Punishment “Opt-Out” Policy back in Spotlight

Corporal Punishment “Opt-Out” Policy back in Spotlight

Classroom - Stock Image (smolaw11 / Adobe Stock) ASHEBORO N.C. - As students return to school parents are reading and signing a lot of forms; one of those forms is back in the spotlight after parents took to social media and spoke with a local TV news station about Randolph County Schools opt-out policy for corporal punishment.  Under North Carolina General Statutes school personnel may use reasonable force in what the statute calls “the exercise of lawful authority to restrain or correct pupils and maintain order.” It is this provision that sets up the use of corporal punishment in schools.  The Randolph County School System policy regarding corporal punishment was established in 1989 and last updated on November 19, 2012. The policy which says, “while not encouraged, cor...
New Policy will Expand Internet Access for More North Carolina Citizens

New Policy will Expand Internet Access for More North Carolina Citizens

RALEIGH NC (NCDOT PRESS RELEASE) – More North Carolinians, especially in rural areas, will be able to access affordable, high-speed internet service, thanks to the new state Dig Once Policy spearheaded by Governor Roy Cooper. “The pandemic has highlighted the critical need for high-speed internet in our daily lives,” said Governor Cooper. "Making it easier to install broadband will help people from all corners of our state get connected to online health care, education and business services they need.” The Dig Once Policy, which took effect March 1, will help expand broadband access in the state by making it less expensive and easier to install broadband conduit along state-maintained roads. Cooper issued a 2019 executive order directing the state departments of Information Technolog...