Saturday, February 8

Tag: Reading

New “Tales for Tails” Program Combines Reading and Animals to Help Reading Skills

New “Tales for Tails” Program Combines Reading and Animals to Help Reading Skills

Photo provided by Juvenile Day Reporting Center ASHEBORO N.C. - More than half of Randolph County students are reading below their grade level and the Juvenile Day Reporting Center’s new "Tales for Tails" program aims to combat this problem by combining reading and animals.  According to the Randolph County School’s annual report card: 54% of students in North Carolina are not proficient in reading. 60% of Randolph County students are not proficient and are below the grade level.  49% of students in Randolph County perform below average in English.   “Reading proficiency is highly correlated with future success and high school graduation,” says Pamela Resch, Director of the Juvenile Day Reporting Center. “Reading helps children learn to make sense of the ...
‘Storywalk in Park’ to Kick Off in Randleman this Saturday

‘Storywalk in Park’ to Kick Off in Randleman this Saturday

Franklinville/Seagrove library Manager Charity Neave Johnson at a Storywalk panel in Franklinville’s Riverside Park. (Photo provided by Randolph County Public Library) ASHEBORO NC (RCPL) - Children and families in Randleman will be able to take a stroll with a story as the library is set to kick on its Storywalk at the Stout Street Park with a “Springtime in the Park Celebration” on Saturday, April 1st, 2023. Storywalks are panels with pages of a children’s book spaced along the path in local parks, allowing children and families to take in a story along with their walk. The panels also include information about early literacy and resources available at the library and in the community. "Randleman’s is one of three developed by the Randolph County Public Libraries with funds from ...