Juneteenth Events in Randolph County
ASHEBORO N.C. - Juneteenth, the oldest national holiday celebrating the ending of slavery in the United States takes place this month, and there are several events planned in Randolph County.
Historian Smallwood returns to Asheboro library for Juneteenth talk
Dr. Arwin Smallwood
The history and importance of Juneteenth, which commemorates the 1865 proclamation announcing the end slavery in the United States, is the topic of a talk by Dr. Arwin Smallwood at the Asheboro Public Library, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 15.
Smallwood, chair of the History Department at North Carolina A& T State University, will talk about the impact of enslavement not just on African Americans, but on all Americans, and the historic effort require to abolish it. He will draw attention to slavery in N...