Sunday, October 27

Tag: Water Treatment

Ramseur Water Supervisor Answers Questions, Points to Larger Underlying Issues

Ramseur Water Supervisor Answers Questions, Points to Larger Underlying Issues

(happycreator/ Adobe Stock) RAMSEUR, N.C. – Officials with the town of Ramseur are addressing concerns about recent and on-going water quality issues, and the underlying problem extends well outside of the town. In early December, the Town of Ramseur suffered a water main break in a 12-inch line used fill the town tank located at the old water treatment plant. “There is an 8-inch line that runs from the tank that ties back into the 12-inch line at the old water plant to keep the town supplied with water when the plant is shut down.” says Jason Helton, supervisor at the water treatment plant in an email conversation with Randolph News Now. To repair the break in the pipe both the 12” and 8” pipes had to be closed to take pressure off the line. “When valves are closed it allows ...
City of Asheboro Conducts Annual Switch to Chlorine for Water Treatment

City of Asheboro Conducts Annual Switch to Chlorine for Water Treatment

ASHEBORO N.C. - If you live in the City of Asheboro your water may have a slight chorine smell starting in a few days. On October 10th, 2022, the City of Asheboro posted a notice that water treatment plants would be switching to free chlorine as the primary disinfection treatment starting on Tuesday, November 1st. This change is made once a year and according to the city the treatment is "necessary to ensure optimum water quality throughout the distribution water mains." Find out more about Chlorine and Water Treatment in our previous year's article about the switch where we go over the chemicals involved, the process, and look at water system inspections. Officials say you may initially detect a slight increase in chlorine taste or smell as the switchover in treatment proces...