Monday, January 13

Pair Arrested After Selling Stolen Trailer On Facebook

ASHEBORO NC – A pair of individuals were arrested after police say they stole a trailer and sold it on Facebook, all because the buyers friend was suspicious.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, on October 25th, 2021,they responded to Creeks Crossing Rd. after getting a call from a citizen who had become suspicious that a utility trailer he had purchased may be stolen. The buyer told officers that Brandon Edward Fields had messaged him earlier in the day saying that he had a trailer he had acquired as pay for work that he wanted to sell. The victim told police he met Fields and another subjects and bought the trailer.

It was later when a friend of the victim suggested that the trailer might be stolen and that’s when the buyer called police to verify. When deputies ran the trailer’s information it returned as belonging to a an individual in Archdale who was not aware the trailer was missing and said he had not sold or given it to anyone.

Deputies took the evidence to the magistrate who found probable cause to issue charges for Felony Larceny and Felony Obtain Property by False Pretense against Fields as well as for Jessica Ann Ashburn, who signed as witnesses on the bill of sale, for Felony Conspiracy to Obtain Property by False Pretense and Misdemeanor Aid & Abet Larceny.

On October 26th, 2021, Fields and Ashburn were located, arrested and taken to the Randolph County Jail where they were served with the Warrants and issued both a $5,000 secured bond. Both were set to appear today in Randolph County District Court.

Brandon Edward Fields

Brandon Edward Fields

  • Felony Larceny
  • Felony Obtain Property by False Pretense
Jessica Ann Ashburn

Jessica Ann Ashburn

  • Felony Conspiracy to Obtain Property by False Pretense
  • Misdemeanor Aid & Abet Larceny

Featured Image Credit: Sergey Ryzhov / Adobe Stock