Sunday, February 16

Denton Woman Facing Felony Animal Cruelty Charges After 55 Animals Seized

A Rescue Dog at an Animal Shelter is Looking Through the Fence (Stock photo by mexitographer via Adobe Stock)
mexitographer via Adobe Stock

ASHEBORO N.C. – What started with an attempt to serve a criminal summons on a homeowner for letting livestock run loose, ended with 55 animals seized and a Denton woman being charged with 10 counts of felony animal cruelty charges.

In a press release the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office says that on June 14th, 2022 a Sargent with the department’s patrol division went to a home on Sandalwood Dr. in Denton to serve a criminal summons for livestock running at large on Melina Kay Robinson. The Sheriff’s Office says that they we not able to locate Robinson that day, but while they were there the Sargent noticed signs of animal neglect, which he reported to Randolph County Animal Services.

Animal Services says the sent out employees that same day to try and speak with the owner but were also attempted to speak with the homeowner the same day, but were also not able to reach anyone.

Animal Services returned with the Sheriff’s Office on June 17th, 2022and were able to make contact with Robinson who allowed deputies and Animal Services employees to check on the animals she had on the property.

The Sheriff’s Office says once it became clear that numerous animals were being neglected, and had been for some time, they called investigators with the department’s Criminal Investigations Division to come out and gather evidence and obtained a search warrant allowing them to seize the animals.

In total 55 animals were seized from the property by Randolph County Animal Services including 44 dogs, 7 cats, 1 rabbit, 1 bird, 1 guinea pig, and 1 turtle due to due to poor living conditions, malnourishment, and obvious untreated wounds on some animal says the Sheriff’s Office. Twelve of the most critical animals were taken directly to veterinarian clinics.

On June 20, 2022, Randolph County Animal Services reported that 12 of the dogs taken for medical care are back in at the shelter and are in stable condition. Randolph County Animal Services has begun coordinating appointments for the remaining animals with local veterinarian clinics.

Melina Kay Robinson was arrested that day on scene and taken to the Randolph County Jail where the magistrate found probable cause to charge her with 10 Felony counts of Cruelty to Animals. She was given a $25,000 secured bond and a first appearance was set for the afternoon of June 20, 2022, in Randolph County District Court.

Melina Kay Robinson

Melina Kay Robinson

  • 10 Felony counts of Cruelty to Animals

$25,000 secured bond