Saturday, September 7

First Responders Recognize Healthcare Workers with Parade at Randolph Health

ASHEBORO N.C. – This week is both National Hospital Week and National Nurses Week. This afternoon first responders from across Randolph County recognized the arduous work of healthcare workers with a parade around Randolph Health.

At 3 p.m. on Thursday May 11th, 2023, first responders from the Asheboro Fire/Rescue Department, Westside Fire Department, Ulah, Fire Department, Randolph County EMS, Asheboro Police Department, and the Randolph County Sheriff’s office drove around Randolph Hospital, lights flashing and sirens blaring. The message, thank you for all you do.

The parade was part of both National Nurses Week and National Hospital week which run together.

“We are very grateful to the City of Asheboro, to Randolph County Sheriff’s Department, to the Asheboro Fire/Rescue, and EMS for all they do for us,” said Paula Richards, Public Information Officer for Randolph Health. “They were so kind and gracious to honor us and honor all healthcare workers today.”

[Scott Pelkey | North State Journal]

National Nurses Week

National Nurses Week is a week-long celebration of the nursing profession in the United States, held each year from May 6 to May 12.

National Nurses Week is a time to recognize the contributions of nurses to the health and well-being of individuals and communities. It is also a time to raise awareness of the nursing profession and the challenges that nurses face.

The first National Nurses Week was celebrated in 1953, when the American Nurses Association (ANA) designated May 6 as National Nurses Day. The week-long celebration was officially established in 1994.

Nursing is the nation’s largest healthcare profession, with nearly 4.2 million registered nurses (RNs) nationwide., according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. There are about 122,000 registered nurses (RN) in North Carolina according to the State of the Nursing Workforce in North Carolina report from the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

National Hospital Week

National Hospital Week was established in 1953 by the American Hospital Association (AHA) to recognize the vital role hospitals play in our communities and to celebrate the contributions of the dedicated professionals who work in them.

This year, National Hospital Week will be held from May 7 to 13. The theme for 2023 is #WeAreHealthcare, which recognizes the amazing people who work in America’s hospitals and health systems. “The AHA encourages the public to join in the celebration of National Hospital Week by showing support for all healthcare workers.”


The dates for National Nurses Week and National Hospital Week were chosen to coincide with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, considered the founder of modern nursing.