Sunday, September 8

Sewer System Smoke Testing Starts in Ramseur Today

Sewer / 'manhole' cover (BGStock72 / Adobe Stock)
Sewer / ‘manhole’ cover (BGStock72 / Adobe Stock)

ASHEBORO N.C. – The town of Ramseur is planning is warning residents that they will be conducting smoke testing of the local sewer system, starting today.

According to an announcement on Facebook, starting today, April 3, 2023, the Town of Ramseur will be smoke testing all sanitary sewer lines in this area to locate defects in the sewer system.

“The “smoke” that you see coming from the vent stacks on houses or holes in the ground or streets is non-toxic, harmless and creates no fire hazard. Smoke should not enter your house unless you have defective plumbing or dried up drain traps. Should smoke enter your home, you may contact a member of the smoke testing crew working in the area.”

According to the Town, the information gathered from this testing will be used to evaluate improvements to the Town’s sanitary sewer system which may help to reduce costs to operate the system.

Depending on weather conditions, all work should be completed within fifteen weeks.