Sunday, March 16

Author: Acme News Wire

Manhunt For Armed Suspect

Manhunt For Armed Suspect

Veh Chase / Manhunt - Farmer - 012021 ASHEBORO NC (ACME NEWS) - Deputies with the Davidson and Randolph County Sheriff's offices and Troopers with the N.C. Highway Patrol are asking for help locating an armed suspect who fled on foot at the end of a high-speed chase. According to information released by the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, the incident started on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, when at around 4:50 PM, deputies were called to an assault on Cabin Creek Rd. near Denton. Photo provided by Davidson County Sheriff's Office The Davidson County Sheriff’s Office says that Diehl should be considered armed and dangerous as he was armed with a pistol at the time of the assault. They are asking that anyone with information on the whereabouts of Diehl to call 9-1-1 immediately...
Barricaded Suspect Arrested After Standoff

Barricaded Suspect Arrested After Standoff

Breaking News LIBERTY NC (ACME NEWS) - A Liberty man was arrested after an hours-long stand-off with police Thursday evening. According to Chief DJ Semrad with the Liberty Police Department, at approximately 2:40 pm on Thursday officers with Liberty PD responded to a 911 call for an alleged assault and domestic situation at 209 W Raleigh Ave. The officers noted injuries on the victim and the suspect, Kenneth Powell who was reportedly armed. Powell barricaded himself in a room of the house. Warrants for Assault on a Female and Resist, Delay, Obstruct a Law Enforcement Officer were secured. The Randolph County SIRT team was asked to assist with the situation. Several agencies including Ramseur PD, Asheboro PD, Archdale PD, RCSO, Liberty Fire ...