Saturday, March 15


NC 2022 Primary Turning Into A Confusing Mess

NC 2022 Primary Turning Into A Confusing Mess

ASHEBORO N.C. - Back on December 8th, 2021, we reported on the NC Supreme Court stopping candidate filing in all races and pushing the 2022 Statewide Primary Election from March 8th to May 17th. Now, it looks like that date may change again in what can only be called an unmitigated disaster involving multiple lawsuits, a dead map makers estranged daughter, a D.C. based watchdog group. What's Happened So Far September 2021 - A court ordered a redraw of the states election districting map as a part of a decision on a lawsuit filed by Common Cause, a watchdog group based in Washington, D.C. That court said that the General Assembly had gerrymandered the map by "packing" democratic voters into a smaller number of districts and "cracking" republican voters into more districts. Legisla...
NC Supreme Court Stops Candidate Filings & Moves Primary Date

NC Supreme Court Stops Candidate Filings & Moves Primary Date

Photo Credit: Acme News Archive ASHEBORO N.C. - Today the NC Supreme Court stopped candidate filing in all races and pushed the Primary Election date from March 8th to May 17th. Randolph News Now was notified just after 5 p.m. in an e-mail from the Randolph County Board of Elections which stated "By order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, filing for all offices for the 2022 primary is suspended. This includes the rescheduled municipal contests, and any separate filing period for those municipal contests in January." This comes from the battle over the recently drawn legislative and congressional districts which were approved by the Republican-led General Assembly earlier this year. Two separate lawsuits have been filled challenging the district map by the NC League of Conservat...
Election Results – Randolph County 2021 Municipal Elections

Election Results – Randolph County 2021 Municipal Elections

FINAL RESULTS Name Votes% CITY OF ASHEBORO MAYOR David H. Smith ✅ 1,48795.44%Write-In (Miscellaneous)714.56% CITY OF ASHEBORO CITY COUNCIL Walker B. Moffitt ✅1,32522.13%Clark Bell ✅1,28621.48%William (Bill) McCaskill ✅94615.80%Kelly W. Heath ✅94415.77%Katie L. Snuggs91715.32%Delilah Perkins Warner5308.85%Write-In (Miscellaneous)380.63% TOWN OF FRANKLINVILLE MAYOR A.C. Hurley✅4250.60%Perry L. Conner4149.40%Write-In (Miscellaneous)00.00% TOWN OF FRANKLINVILLE TOWN COMMISSIONER Richard D. Goodwin ✅5523.71%Brandon Hurley ✅ 5523.71%William (Billy) Farias ✅4117.67%Michael S. Johnston3715.95%Craig Smith3414.66%Ricky J. Collins104.31%Write-In (Miscellaneous)00.00% TOWN OF LIBERTY MAYOR Filmore York ✅16294.74%Write-In (Miscellaneous)95...
Today Is Municipal Election Day – Here Is What You Need To Know

Today Is Municipal Election Day – Here Is What You Need To Know

ASHEBORO NC – If you missed your chance to vote early then Today is Municipal Election Day across Randolph County. Here is what you need to know. When are the polls open?Polls are open from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM, officials say if you are in line by 7:30 PM you will be able to vote. Where do I vote?A list of polling places in Randolph County can be found here. Randolph County Polling Places If you are unsure what polling place you should go to or would like to see a sample ballot you can use the NC Voter Tool. NC Voter Tool Can I go to any polling place in the county?It is important that you go to your assigned polling place. That is the only place your name is on the poll book and ensures that your ballot has the contests that match where you live. Whats On The Ballot...
Liberty Police Facebook Page Gets ‘Depublished’ Without Warning

Liberty Police Facebook Page Gets ‘Depublished’ Without Warning

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash ASHEBORO NC – The Liberty Police Department recently found that Facebook had “depublished” the Departments page on the social media site, and they still are not sure why, or if they will get it back. The Town of Liberty announced the news on their Facebook page on Wednesday October 13th 2021. The post said that Facebook removed the page for “violation of community standards” and that Facebook has “refused to tell the Police Department exactly why the page had been depublished”. According to Facebook’s website violation of community standards could include anything from violence, exploiting children, hate speech, false medical advice or an inauthentic page or content. “There were no warnings, no notice of any kind” said David Semrad, Chief of Polic...
Early Voting For 2021 Municipal Elections Starts Today

Early Voting For 2021 Municipal Elections Starts Today

ASHEBORO NC - One-stop early voting for the November 2nd, 2021 municipal elections starts today and will continue through the end of October. Early voting began this morning and will continue until 7 P M as well as Friday the 15th from 8 AM to 5 PM.Starting Monday and lasting through Oct. 29, voting will run Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, and 8 AM to 7 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.The last day of early voting on Saturday, Oct. 30 will run from 8 AM to 3 PM. According to the 2021 Municipal Voter Tool all Randolph County Elections are eligible for early voting. All early in person voting in Randolph County will be held at the Randolph County Board of Elections Office located at 1457 N Fayetteville st, in Asheboro. After the last day of e...
Lockdown Drill Planned For RCC

Lockdown Drill Planned For RCC

Randolph Community College / Acme News Stock Image ASHEBORO NC - Randolph Community College will be conducting a drill of it emergency notification system tomorrow. The campus wide lockdown drill is planned for Thursday, October 14, between 12 PM and 4 PM for both the Asheboro and Archdale campuses. Messages sent to students and staff on campus, heard on loudspeakers, and received via RCC Alerts will NOT say test or drill. Everyone on campus at the time is requested to and follow all protocols and procedures for an active shooter / threat. Officials at the community college are requesting everyone be aware that the drill is only a test but that all alarms and alerts should be taken seriously and is requesting everyone be prepared to respond appropriately.
City of Asheboro Announces COVID-19 Housing And Utility Assistance Program

City of Asheboro Announces COVID-19 Housing And Utility Assistance Program

ASHEBORO NC (CITY OF ASHEBORO) - United Way of Randolph County, in partnership with the City of Asheboro and the North Carolina Department of Commerce Rural Economic Development Division, is pleased to announce a program to provide temporary rent, mortgage or utility payment assistance to households who have suffered economic hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding for the program was made available through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and the federal CARES Act of 2020. Eligible households must be located within the City of Asheboro Corporate Limits. Applicants will need to complete an application and provide documentation of an economic hardship related to COVID-19. Assistance is limited to low/moderate income households; more information on eligibility an...
Rail Safety Week

Rail Safety Week

Ruslan Ivantsov / Adobe Stock ROCKY MOUNT NC (NC DOT) - This year, 17 people have died either by walking on tracks or being struck by a train at a railroad crossing in North Carolina. Rail Safety Week (Sept. 20-26) works to increase public awareness about railroad safety to help end preventable deaths and injuries. To keep you and your loved ones safe, always follow these safety tips: When approaching a railway intersection, keep your car safely behind the white lines and never drive around the gate.Never stop your car on a railroad track. If it stalls, get out!Never race a train to a crossing.Trains always have the right-of-way, even when law enforcement and emergency vehicles are involved.For more rail safety tips, visit For more information about NCDOT Now...
SBI Investigation Clears Sheriff Seabolt

SBI Investigation Clears Sheriff Seabolt

Government ASHEBORO NC - At a press conference eelier today Randolph County Sheriff Greg Seabolt announced that the SBI investigation as well as an out of county DA have cleared him of any wrongdoing. On May 22nd, 2021 we reported that the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) had confirmed they had opened an investigation into allegations of misconduct made against Sheriff Seabolt. The investigation was requested on May 5th by Randolph County District Attorney Andy Gregson. Gregson said he received complaints that Sherriff Seabolt was using a county-issued vehicle to haul campaign signs. One of those complaints was filed by former candidate for Randolph County Sheriff Erick Hicks. The Randolph County Board of Elections confirmed that Mr. Hicks i...