Fish Falls From Sky, Hits Truck Windshield In Randleman (Video)
Screenshot of video posted by Ward Transport on Twitter
RANDLEMAN NC- Ward Transport, a trucking company with an office in Charlotte probably had a very strange conversation with their insurance company last week after a fish fell from the sky and smashed into the windshield of one of their trucks.
On the afternoon of April 14th, Barry Poff, who has 34 years and more than 3 million miles under his belt had just finished a delivery in Randleman and was heading South on I-73/74 to his next delivery. As he crossed the Randleman Lake bridge a bird flew in front of the truck and dropped a rather large fish which smacked right into the truck's windshield.
"I saw the bird carrying the fish and thought wow that's neat, and just then the fish hit the windshield. Said Poff. "It just happene...