Sunday, March 16


Local Citizens Requested Speed Limit Change on Old Hwy 49

Local Citizens Requested Speed Limit Change on Old Hwy 49

Traffic & Roads
Public Domain Image ASHEBORO N.C. - This week we were contacted by more than half a dozen citizens through our Facebook and Twitter accounts asking why the speed limit changed on a section of Old Hwy 49 from 55 mph to 45 mph. So we reached out to the NC Dept of Transportation. According to officials the change resulted from local residents asking the NC DOT to reevaluate the speed limit on the highway. "At the request of local citizens, our division and regional traffic units reviewed safety and speed conditions along the stretch of Old N.C. 49 between Moore Road and the Eastern Junction with N.C. 49 and determined the speed limit for this section should be reduced from 55 to 45 mph" said Aaron Moody, Public Information Officer with NC DOT in an email. If you live in the area an...
Settlement in Lawsuit Over Revocation of Licenses for Not Paying Traffic / Court Debts

Settlement in Lawsuit Over Revocation of Licenses for Not Paying Traffic / Court Debts

ASHEBORO N.C. - The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) which operates the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV), has announced there has been a settlement in the class-action lawsuit filed back in May of 2018 by several groups including the ACLU on behalf of drivers who lost their licenses because they didn’t pay fines. Over the next 60 days the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (NC DMV) will be contacting more than 185,000 drivers whose licenses were revoked for their failure to pay fines and other court costs. A special notice will inform drivers about their ability under North Carolina General Statute § 20-24.1 to have the NCDMV lift those revocations if the sentencing court finds their failure to pay was not willful and was instead due to their inability to affo...
Crews Set To Begin Blasting This Week At Greensboro-Randolph Megasite

Crews Set To Begin Blasting This Week At Greensboro-Randolph Megasite

Crews mobilize for preparation work for the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite. (NC DOT) LIBERTY N.C. – Crews are set to begin blasting as early as this week as part of construction at the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite. In a press release the NC DOT says blasting operations will start as early as this week and continue over the next several months as crews work on the initial grading necessary to construct the manufacturing plant. Officials say blasting operations will take place during daytime hours only, and when weather permits. Ames Construction of Burnsville, Minnesota, was awarded a $17.8 million contract in January to conduct the initial site preparation. The General Assembly appropriated $135 million for NC DOT to work on site grading, roads, highway interchanges and other impro...
Traffic Alert | US 220 Bus at Caudle Rd – Planned Road Closure [ENDED]

Traffic Alert | US 220 Bus at Caudle Rd – Planned Road Closure [ENDED]

Traffic & Roads
[UPDATE Oct 29th 2021 - 2:45 PM] - THE NC DOIT Traffic Information Management System sent out an alert that this closure has ended and all contraction is clear] ASHEBORO NC - The NC DOT will be closing US 220 in both directions near Caudle Rd (mile-marker 10.5 to 11.7) for construction starting on 10/26/21at 8:00 AM through 11/5/21 at 3:30 PM. Map provided by NC DOT - TIMS Detour Route Heading South on 220 Business Detour route: Depart 220 Bus @ Caudle rd, commute on Caudle rd. turn right onto Worthville rd. Turn right onto WOW rd. turn right onto Old liberty rd. Turn right onto Hub morris rd. turn left onto us-220 Bus. Heading North on 220 Business Detour route: Depart 220 Bus to Hub Morris rd. turn left onto Old liberty rd. Turn left onto WOW rd. turn left onto Wor...
Booze It and Lose It Campaign In Full Force

Booze It and Lose It Campaign In Full Force

RALEIGH NC (NC DOT) – As motorists hit the road this busy Labor Day weekend, law enforcement officers from Murphy to Manteo will be stepping up enforcement through patrols and checkpoints to keep impaired drivers off the roads. The statewide “Booze It & Lose It” Labor Day campaign, sponsored by the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program, runs through Sept. 12 and involves all law enforcement agencies, including local police, sheriff’s offices and the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. Last year, participating agencies cited nearly 1,400 DWI offenders in North Carolina. Motorists caught driving while impaired face the possibility of jail time, lost driving privileges and hefty fines. NCDOT encourages people to celebrate responsibly and safely. Never drink and drive. If...
COVID-19 Vaccines Delivered by Drone

COVID-19 Vaccines Delivered by Drone

Stock Photo by: Prostock-studio / Adobe Stock RALEIGH NC (NC DOT) - Last week, NCDOT and its partners, Atrium Health Wake Forest and UPS Flight Forward, achieved another major milestone in the development of drone technology by completing the first ever drone delivery of COVID-19 vaccines. The short flight took the drone from one portion of the hospital to another. "The launch of this delivery service is going to help bring vaccine access to more North Carolinians," said state Transportation Secretary Eric Boyette. "We're entering a new era, where distance and isolation will soon no longer be barriers to receive potential life saving healthcare." As part of NCDOT’s participation in the Federal Aviation Administration’s BEYOND program, this operation joins a long list of importa...
Drone Pilots: Fly Safe This Summer!

Drone Pilots: Fly Safe This Summer!

RALEIGH NC (NCDOT PRESS RELEASE)– More North Carolina residents and visitors are expected to use their personal drones this summer than ever. More than 30,000 North Carolinians now own and operate drones for personal and recreational use. As the number of drone operators grows, the N.C. Department of Transportation is reminding drone pilots to follow safety precautions because drones can be dangerous to others if they are not operated properly. “Drones are an amazing new technology, and the applications are almost limitless," said NCDOT Director of Aviation Bobby Walston. “But something so new comes with a lot of challenges. We need to make sure people don't treat these as just a toy, and know how to operate them in a safe manner." As such, NCDOT's Division of Aviation has provide...
Click It or Ticket It Campaign Kicks Off

Click It or Ticket It Campaign Kicks Off

Government RALEIGH NC (NCDOT) – As the busy summer traveling season nears, state transportation officials are reminding people to wear their seat belts to reduce the risk of being seriously injured or killed. More than 500 people who were not wearing seat belts or buckled into child safety seats died in vehicle crashes on North Carolina roadways last year. “Seat belts and child safety seats save lives,” said Eric Boyette, secretary of the N.C. Department of Transportation. “We know that not wearing a seat belt can be the worst decision you’ll ever make.” Boyette spoke Monday during a virtual news conference to kick off the Memorial Day Click It or Ticket It enforcement and education campaign. The statewide seat belt usage rate has fallen the...