Friday, October 25

Tag: Red Cross

Red Cross Sounds Alarm Amid National Blood Shortage

Red Cross Sounds Alarm Amid National Blood Shortage

Blood Donation - Stock Photo (via Unplash) ASHEBORO N.C. - The American Red Cross says blood donations are urgently needed in wake of back-to-back climate disasters and critical summer shortfall. On September 11th, 2023, the American Red Cross announced that the national blood supply has fallen to critically low levels that could potentially threatening the emergency medical care of patients and those with medical conditions who depend on blood transfusions. A 25% drop in donations since August blamed on one of the busiest travel seasons on record and back-to-back months of worsening climate-driven disasters resulting in cancelations of blood drives combined to reduce blood and platelet donations. Each day the Red Cross says it needs to collect 12,5000 blood donations, however...
Asheboro to Host Lifeguard Classes this Spring

Asheboro to Host Lifeguard Classes this Spring

pool lifeguards red rescue tube near swimming pool [Adobe Stock] ASHEBORO N.C. - The Asheboro Cultural and Recreation Services Department is providing Blended Learning American Red Cross Lifeguard Training throughout the spring, in preparation for the summer. The cost of the classes is $225.00. Participants must meet and pass all prerequisites set by the American Red Cross. These include being a minimum age of 15, and being able to complete a 300-meter swim, the retrieval and return of a 10-pound object from an 8-foot depth, and a 2-minute tread without the use of hands. Payment is not needed until after participants have completed and passed the prerequisite skills. The training can be registered for online via the ACRS website, or in person. Classes will be held on the following...
Red Cross Declares National Blood Shortage Crisis

Red Cross Declares National Blood Shortage Crisis

Blood Donation - Stock Photo (via Unplash) ASHEBORO N.C. - The American Red Cross has declared a national blood shortage crisis amid dangerously low supply levels and dropping donation rates. On January 11th 2022, the Red Cross issued a statement with dire language saying the shortage is posing a concerning risk to patient care, forcing doctors to make difficult decisions about who receives blood transfusions and who will need to wait. The statement says blood and platelet donations are critically needed to help prevent further delays in vital medical treatments. “While some types of medical care can wait, others can’t,” said Dr. Pampee Young, chief medical officer of the Red Cross. “Hospitals are still seeing accident victims, cancer patients, those with blood disorders like...