Friday, February 7

Tag: sro

Teachers and Officers faceoff in Kickball Showdown

Teachers and Officers faceoff in Kickball Showdown

[Scott Pelkey | North State Journal] ASHEBORO — Earlier this week teachers at Asheboro High School went up against officers from the Asheboro Police Department, in a friendly game of kickball. Inspired by superintendent of Asheboro City Schools Dr. Woody’s emphasis on community engagement, Asheboro High School’s Assistant Principal Brittany Roberts proposed having the police department cook hamburgers and hotdogs for Teacher Appreciation Week.“They suggested the idea of a friendly competition against the police department to add excitement to the week,” said Roberts. Working with the school’s administration team and Officer Cornejo, the School Resource Officer, plans for the first ever ‘Techers vs Cops - Kickball Showdown’ were finalized. On Wednesday May 7th the two sides gat...
Crime Trending Up at Asheboro City Schools

Crime Trending Up at Asheboro City Schools

A patrol vehicle for a School Recourse Officer (SRO) sits out front of South Asheboro Middle School. (Scott Pelkey / Acme News) ASHEBORO N.C. - Crimes at Asheboro City Schools have been and continues to trend upwards with more crimes reported to police in 2022 than 2021. In recent police reports we know that between November 17th and 18th Asheboro Police responded to a fight-in-progress and a student in possession of marijuana at Asheboro High School, and a fight at North Asheboro Middle School. These reports are part of a trend noticed from evaluating police reports and 911 records since early September 2022. By using 911 records to graph reported crimes we can see when comparing September and October of 2021 with the same months in 2022 that Asheboro High School, South Ash...
Woman Charged With Selling Drugs At Local High School

Woman Charged With Selling Drugs At Local High School

ASHEBORO N.C. - A local woman was arrested after police say she was possibly attempting to sell narcotics at a local high school. According to a press release from the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office, on April 27th, 2022, School Resource Officer received information that a female was possibly attempting to sell narcotics in the parking lot of Wheatmore High School. Deputies located the female, whom they was identified as Tracy Boone Peele. The Sheriff's Office says their investigation revealed that Peele was in possession of narcotics packaged for sell. She was arrested and transported to the Randolph County Jail where the magistrate found probable cause for charges of Felony Possession with Intent to Sell/Deliver Marijuana and Felony Sell/Deliver a Controlled Substance Within 1000...