Saturday, February 8

Teachers and Officers faceoff in Kickball Showdown

[Scott Pelkey | North State Journal]

ASHEBORO — Earlier this week teachers at Asheboro High School went up against officers from the Asheboro Police Department, in a friendly game of kickball.

Inspired by superintendent of Asheboro City Schools Dr. Woody’s emphasis on community engagement, Asheboro High School’s Assistant Principal Brittany Roberts proposed having the police department cook hamburgers and hotdogs for Teacher Appreciation Week.“They suggested the idea of a friendly competition against the police department to add excitement to the week,” said Roberts.

Working with the school’s administration team and Officer Cornejo, the School Resource Officer, plans for the first ever ‘Techers vs Cops – Kickball Showdown’ were finalized.

On Wednesday May 7th the two sides gathered at the High School’s softball field to face off. Dr. Aaron Woody served as the official for the game, and spectators made up of fellow teachers, officers, staff, family, and members of the public all came to cheer on their team. Both sides had their share of silly slip-ups, captivating catches, and hilarious hijinks and in the end, the teachers won 7 to 4.

“The teachers came away with the win this year, but we are determined to ‘take them to school’ and ‘teach’ them a lesson next year,” said Captain Byron Hill. Who went on to add that the department recognizes and appreciates the hard work and dedication of teachers, especially during this week because it’s Teacher Appreciation Week.

On Thursday, officers with the department arrived with the portable grill and cooked up hot dogs and hamburgers for the teachers at staff at the school.

“It was a fun event and a great way to get to know each other,” said Assistant Chief of Police Jay Henson. “These teachers – and so many others in schools everywhere – give so much of themselves for the youth in our community.  It’s amazing to see the positive impact they have.  To be able to get together with them and have fun was a great opportunity… even though we lost!”

Roberts says the turnout exceeded her expectations and she plans to hold the event next year; “We intend to make this an annual tradition to engage the entire community and highlight Asheboro High School’s commitment to community involvement,” said Roberts in an email. According to the Asheboro Police Department, plans may be in the works for other teachers versus officers competitions, such as basketball and bowling. 

Photos from the game

Want to see more?

Check out the YouTube video posted by the Asheboro Police Department.