Monday, March 17

Tag: Standoff

Man Indicted In Connection With 2020 Standoff with Police

Man Indicted In Connection With 2020 Standoff with Police

ASHEBORO N.C. - A local man who shot at officers during a standoff in Liberty back in 2020 has been indicted by a Grand Jury and is facing multiple charges including Felony Attempted Murder. On September 13, 2020, deputies with the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office along with officers from the Liberty Police Department were dispatched to a residence on Hwy 49 N, just outside the Liberty city limits, regarding a domestic call and shots were fired inside the residence. The suspect, Robert Dwight Bender, had retreated into a structure behind the residence and the caller was safely removed from the house. According to a press release from the Randolph County Sheriff's Office when officers approached the structure the suspect fired a shot in the direction of the officers. The Sheriff’s O...
Barricaded Suspect Arrested After Standoff

Barricaded Suspect Arrested After Standoff

Breaking News LIBERTY NC (ACME NEWS) - A Liberty man was arrested after an hours-long stand-off with police Thursday evening. According to Chief DJ Semrad with the Liberty Police Department, at approximately 2:40 pm on Thursday officers with Liberty PD responded to a 911 call for an alleged assault and domestic situation at 209 W Raleigh Ave. The officers noted injuries on the victim and the suspect, Kenneth Powell who was reportedly armed. Powell barricaded himself in a room of the house. Warrants for Assault on a Female and Resist, Delay, Obstruct a Law Enforcement Officer were secured. The Randolph County SIRT team was asked to assist with the situation. Several agencies including Ramseur PD, Asheboro PD, Archdale PD, RCSO, Liberty Fire ...