ASHEBORO N.C. – A man who tried to run on foot from a traffic stop was arrested and charged in connection with several break ins at an Asheboro apartment complex earlier that night.
On March 1st 2022, just before midnight an officer with the Asheboro Police Department responded to the Madison Heights apartments on N Fayetteville Street after getting a call about a burglary in progress.
According to a police report the arriving officer spoke with a resident at the apartments who had heard multiple car alarms going off and saw an unidentified male inside of his vehicle. That resident ran out and scared off the thief but not before they were able to steal a radio and a tool bag.
Officers got a description of the suspect as a skinny male in dark clothing. While searching the parking lot the officer found the tools ditched on the ground as well as another vehicle that appeared to be vandalized with the passenger side window busted out.
Other officers in the area searched for the suspect and conducted a traffic stop at N Fayetteville Street and Northwood Drive. Police say the driver of that vehicle jumped out and ran on foot. Officers were able to apprehend the driver and identified him as Sabastion Hall.
Police say Hall matched the description of the suspect provided by the witness as the man running from his vehicle. Officers were able to confirm that the vehicle operated by Hall during the traffic stop was stolen.
Hall was detained and transported to the Asheboro Police Department where he was read his rights and interviewed. Throughout the interview police say Hall put himself in the area of the B&E and knew details of the thefts, such as the stolen tools and busted out windows. Hall advised that another suspect who was also wearing the same clothing had committed the crimes and that the other suspect had picked him up in the stolen vehicle that he was later found driving. Police say after speaking to Hall they searched the patrol vehicle he had been transported in and found multiple grains of marijuana.
Hall was arrested and transported to the Randolph County Jail where he was charged with breaking & entering a motor vehicle, larceny, and simple possession. Hall was given a $75,000 bond and a court date of March 2nd 2022.