Friday, March 14

Asheboro Man Arrested After Vehicle Chase

Police Blue Lights - Stock Photo
fotosr52 / Adobe Stock

ASHEBORO N.C. – A vehicle chase last Saturday that started on Old Liberty Rd and reached speeds of 80 mph ended with the arrest of the driver and passenger this week.

On June 25th 2022 an Officer with the Asheboro Police Department attempted to stop a black Jeep on Old Liberty Road after observing it cross the center line multiple times.

According to information provided by Maj. Jay Hanson, Operations Command with the Asheboro Police Department the driver of the Jeep failed to stop for the stop sign at the intersection of Gold Hill Road and Draper Street, passed a vehicle in a no-passing zone. crossed the centerline on Randolph Tabernacle Road reaching speeds of 80 mph, failed to stop at the intersection of Randolph Tabernacle Road and Henley Country Road before turning down a gravel path where he crashed the vehicle.

When Officers reached the crashed vehicle, the driver and a passenger had fled on foot. The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office responded with a police canine. The passenger from the vehicle was located hiding in bushes and was arrested on outstanding warrants and charged with resisting an officer in relation to the pursuit. The driver was not found that night.

On Monday June 27th the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office located the suspect believed to be the driver, identified as Eric Dwayne Varner at his home on Stagecoach Rd in Asheboro. Varner was arrested and charged with 14 seperate charges related to the chase. He is currently in the Randolph County Jail under a $45,000 secured bond.

Eric Dwayne Varner

Eric Dwayne Varner

  • Reckless Driving To Endanger
  • Exceeding Posted Speed
  • Expired Registration Card/Tag
  • Expired/No Inspection
  • Poss/Disp Alt/Fict/Revd Drivers License
  • Fail Stop Stop sign/Flashing Red Light (2 counts)
  • Resisting Public Officer
  • Drive Left Of Center (2 counts)
  • Fail Maintain Lane Control (2 counts)
  • Driving with license revoked
  • Flee/Elude Arrest W/ Motor Vehicle (Felony)