Friday, March 14

Traffic Alert – Backup On I-73 NB (Spero Rd)

Credit PJ Ward-Brown / North State Journal

ASHEBORO N.C. – A traffic back-up up on I-73 NB near the Spero Rd exit north of Asheboro is the result of Troopers with the Highway Patrol’s Collision Reconstruction Unit who are on-scene investigating the fatal accident that killed 2 children earlier this week.

According to Master Trooper Brian Martin, Troop D Public Information Officer with the Highway Patrol, the Collision Reconstruction Unit is on-scene investigating a previous fatal collision and requested assistance from the fire department to shut down the exit ramp (not the interstate) so that they could map the scene with a drone.

At the time this article is published Google Maps live traffic shows the backup is clearing with congestion starting at Vision Dr and clearing up just north of the Spero Rd exit.