Sunday, February 16

NC Zoo

NC Zoo to Investigate Death of Polar Bear While being Transported

NC Zoo to Investigate Death of Polar Bear While being Transported

NC Zoo
Photo provided by N.C. Zoo ASHEBORO N.C. - The North Carolina Zoo says they will investigate what led to the death of a male polar bear during a transfer to another zoo earlier this week. In a press release, the North Carolina Zoo announced that on October 25th, 2023, Payton, the Zoo’s male polar bear, had died while being transported to the Louisville Zoo in Kentucky. According to the N.C. Zoo, an experienced care team, left the North Carolina Zoo with Payton, performing routine checks on the 1,000-pound polar bear during the trip. “On the second check, less than two hours away from the North Carolina Zoo, the care team found Payton non-responsive. He was immediately transported to a nearby large animal veterinarian, who confirmed that Payton had passed,” said the Zoo in the p...
One Year In, Construction on Asia on Schedule

One Year In, Construction on Asia on Schedule

NC Zoo
Construction is underway on the new Asia expansion at the NC Zoo. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal] ASHEBORO N.C. - One year after breaking ground, construction on the Asia expansion at the North Carolina Zoo is on track, but with the planned opening still years away there is still a lot of work to be done.  General construction on Asia is halfway complete with Rodgers Builders, the general contractor for the project, reporting no significant delays thus far. Work constructing the buildings and infrastructure is expected to be completed by fall of 2024. Once Asia’s construction is complete, the work of turning ten acres of gravel, dirt, and concrete buildings into a new continent is where the Zoo’s work will really start, says Diane Villa, Director of Communications & Marke...
REMC Invites Public to Drive Electric Event at North Carolina Zoo

REMC Invites Public to Drive Electric Event at North Carolina Zoo

Events, NC Zoo
A Chevy Volt electric vehicle sits on display at the Drive Electric Event held in the NC Zoo's North America parking lot on October 1st 2021. (Acme News / Archive Photo) ASHEBORO N.C. (REMC) – On Friday, September 29, from 9 am to noon at the North Carolina Zoo, Randolph Electric Membership Corporation will sponsor “It’s Electric,” a public education event showcasing electric vehicles (EVs). This outdoor event, planned during National Drive Electric Week (September 22 to October 1), draws attention to the positive aspects of driving all-electric and plug-in hybrid automobiles. Local and state dignitaries will welcome the crowd at 10 am. Vehicles from various automobile dealerships, an electric school bus and EV chargers will be on display for REMC members and guests of ...
NC Zoo to Say Farewell to Flamingos

NC Zoo to Say Farewell to Flamingos

NC Zoo
Flamingo at the NC Zoo [Acme News Archive Photo] ASHEBORO N.C. - The North Carolina Zoo is planning to say farewell to its flock of Flamingos who are leaving for South Carolina at the end of September. The North Carolina Zoo announced yesterday that they will be transferring their flock of 15 Chilean flamingos to the Greenville Zoo in South Carolina sometime at the end of September. "While it is sad to see the flamingos leave the Zoo, we are happy to know they will join a flock of 19 Chilean flamingos already at the Greenville Zoo," said the Zoo on Facebook. "Flamingos are social birds that live in large flocks in the wild. We are very thankful to the Greenville Zoo for accepting the entire flock, as several of these birds have been together for over 25 years." View t...
NC Zoo Says ‘Opps’ – Corrects Sand Kittens Sex and Name

NC Zoo Says ‘Opps’ – Corrects Sand Kittens Sex and Name

NC Zoo
One of three Sand Cat kittens born in May of 2023 at the NC Zoo. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal] ASHEBORO N.C. - Apparently, determining the sex of a kitten can be difficult, and the North Carolina Zoo says they "made an oops" when they announced the sexes of their trio of sand Kittens born in May. On June 2nd, 2023, the Zoo anounced the birth of three sand cat kittens. Several weeks later, in a press release, the zoo revealed the sexes of the kittens, one male and two females, as well as an online poll to allow the public to choose names for the tiny desert felines. The public naming poll had more than 15,000 responses with the winning names being chosen as Amira and Cleo for the females, and Jabari for the male. Now, the Zoo says they made an "oops," when they determi...
Summer Underway at NC Zoo

Summer Underway at NC Zoo

NC Zoo
ASHEBORO N.C. - With Asia not expected to be completed until 2026 it's easy to think there isn't much to do or see at the North Carolina Zoo this summer, but you'd be wrong. From adorable babies, an impressive dog show, and newly renovated habitats, this summer is the perfect time to take a trip to the Zoo. Canine Champions for Conservation Alyssa Buller watches as one of her dogs performs during the Canine Champions for Conservation attraction at the NC Zoo. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal] Chris Collier and Alyssa Buller will be at the North Carolina Zoo this summer with their highly trained dogs for a show that features jumps, obstacle courses, and other demonstrations. Collier and Buller have performed all over the country, and their dogs have even been featured on sea...
NC Zoo Working to Secure Funding to Rebuild Aviary

NC Zoo Working to Secure Funding to Rebuild Aviary

NC Zoo
A sign outside the entrance tells guests the Aviary is closed. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal] ASHEBORO N.C. - The Aviary at the NC Zoo is going to be demolished, but the Zoo is working on securing funds and putting together plans to rebuild. With its ninety-three species of birds, hundreds of tropical plants, and an environment that mimics the tropical rainforest, the Aviary was a guest favorite since it first opened in 1982.  In January of 2022, when the Zoo announced the Aviary would be closing due to the threat of Avian Flu, guests expected it would be temporary. Around the same time, a team of engineers was brought in to conduct an inspection of the building and the results were not good.  “The Aviary is a very humid environment, it's a very rough environme...
NC Zoo Asks Public to Vote on Names of Sand Cat Triplets

NC Zoo Asks Public to Vote on Names of Sand Cat Triplets

NC Zoo
Photo provided by North Carolina Zoo ASHEBORO N.C. (NC ZOO) - The North Carolina Zoo is asking the public to vote on the “purr-fect” names for the sand cat kitten triplets born on May 11, 2023.  The triplets are two females and one male. People can vote on this online poll from among names chosen by zookeepers. Voting is open now and closes Wednesday, July 5, at 4 p.m. (all EDT). The public can also access the poll through the Zoo's website at There is no charge to select names. The winning names will be announced on Friday, July 7. Females (top two names given to the female kittens) Cleo (Cleopatra): Iconic Queen of Egypt, Greek name meaning “glory of the father” Amira (“Uh-MEER-uh"): Arabic name meaning “princess” Cyra ("SEER-uh”): Persian ...
NC Zoo Announces Winning Name for Giraffe Calf

NC Zoo Announces Winning Name for Giraffe Calf

NC Zoo
Photo provided by NC Zoo ASHEBORO N.C. - The North Carolina Zoo has announced the name chosen by the public of the giraffe calf born last month on May 20th. With more than 100,00 total votes the Zoo announced that out of the six choices, the winning name is “Fenn.”  The other names offered were, “Nelson,” after Nelson Mandela, “Mosi”, African name used for firstborn son, “Tamu” Swahili for sweet, “Jackson” The calf's dad is named Jack, Son of Jack, and “Bongani” This Zulu name means grateful, thankful. Fenn was chosen after the founders of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, Julian, and Stephanie Fennessy. World Giraffe Day is celebrated every year on June 21. Fenn was about six feet tall and 145 pounds when he was born on May 20th of 2023, and is expected to grow to 1...
Three Births Announced at NC Zoo

Three Births Announced at NC Zoo

NC Zoo
ASHEBORO N.C. - The North Carolina Zoo has announced the births of a giraffe calf, an infant chimpanzee, and three Sand Cat kittens, all in less than two weeks. Sand Cat Kittens Photo provided by NC Zoo Three sand cat kittens (sexes unknown at this time) were born on May 11. Small enough to fit into the palm of your hand, the kittens were born to first-time mother Sahara, 3, and father Cosmo, 9. This marks the first litter for the sand cat pair. Cosmo previously fathered daughter Layla, now living at the Greensboro Science Center. The mom and triplets are doing well. The trio are beginning to explore their surroundings in the Desert Habitat. Lucky guests may be able to catch a glimpse of them in the coming days. Though they appear adorable with big ears, eyes, and petite...