Sunday, February 16

Tag: Asheboro City Schools

Teachers and Officers faceoff in Kickball Showdown

Teachers and Officers faceoff in Kickball Showdown

[Scott Pelkey | North State Journal] ASHEBORO — Earlier this week teachers at Asheboro High School went up against officers from the Asheboro Police Department, in a friendly game of kickball. Inspired by superintendent of Asheboro City Schools Dr. Woody’s emphasis on community engagement, Asheboro High School’s Assistant Principal Brittany Roberts proposed having the police department cook hamburgers and hotdogs for Teacher Appreciation Week.“They suggested the idea of a friendly competition against the police department to add excitement to the week,” said Roberts. Working with the school’s administration team and Officer Cornejo, the School Resource Officer, plans for the first ever ‘Techers vs Cops - Kickball Showdown’ were finalized. On Wednesday May 7th the two sides gat...
2023 Municipal Election Results

2023 Municipal Election Results

Results: UNOFFICIALPrecincts Reported: 100.00% (17 out of 17) ASHEBORO CITY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ Melissa Calloway1,308✅ Ryan Patton1,253✅ Gidget Kidd 1,208Gwen Williams945Todd Dulaney650Write-In (Miscellaneous)15 CITY OF ASHEBORO CITY COUNCIL NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ Joey Trogdon1,079✅ Eddie Burks1,049✅ Charles Swiers977Jane Hughes Redding924Harry Okeke381Write-In (Miscellaneous)19 TOWN OF FRANKLINVILLE MAYOR NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ A. C. Hurley30Write-In (Miscellaneous)7 TOWN OF FRANKLINVILLE TOWN COMMISSIONER NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ Priscilla Dunn31✅ L. McKay (Mac) Whatley25Write-In (Miscellaneous)10 TOWN OF LIBERTY MAYOR NAME ON BALLOTBALLOT COUNT✅ Filmore York108Write-In (Miscellaneous)9 ...
All Clear – No Threat Found at Asheboro High School

All Clear – No Threat Found at Asheboro High School

Breaking News
An officer with NC Probation and Parole blocks off W Walker Ave as students return to the high school after the all clear. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal] ASHEBORO N.C. - Police have given the "all clear" and reported no one was injured after a threat to Asheboro High School triggered an evacuation of the school and a lockdown of all Asheboro City Schools this morning. According to a press release from the Asheboro Police Department, at 9:21 a.m. this morning an individual called the police department's headquarters and stated they "had placed bombs inside Asheboro High School," and that they were "armed with a weapon and would enter the school." School resource officers at the high school were notified and law enforcement personnel from Asheboro Police Department, Randolph ...
Asheboro High School Unveils New Renovations – You’re Invited to Check It Out

Asheboro High School Unveils New Renovations – You’re Invited to Check It Out

[Scott Pelkey | Randolph News Now for the North State Journal] ASHEBORO N.C. - After almost 5 years of construction, Asheboro High School's renovations are complete, and now they are inviting the public to an open house to see it for themselves. Wednesday afternoon, May 3rd, 2023, Asheboro City Schools held a ribbon cutting to officially unveil the new and improved home of the Blue Comets to elected officials, school system leadership, and members of the media. Construction of Asheboro High School began in 1949 and opened for students beginning with the 1950-1951 school year. The building has become somewhat of a historical icon in Asheboro. Students from Asheboro High School give a tour to city and county elected officials. In November of 2018, Asheboro City Schools h...
Crime Trending Up at Asheboro City Schools

Crime Trending Up at Asheboro City Schools

A patrol vehicle for a School Recourse Officer (SRO) sits out front of South Asheboro Middle School. (Scott Pelkey / Acme News) ASHEBORO N.C. - Crimes at Asheboro City Schools have been and continues to trend upwards with more crimes reported to police in 2022 than 2021. In recent police reports we know that between November 17th and 18th Asheboro Police responded to a fight-in-progress and a student in possession of marijuana at Asheboro High School, and a fight at North Asheboro Middle School. These reports are part of a trend noticed from evaluating police reports and 911 records since early September 2022. By using 911 records to graph reported crimes we can see when comparing September and October of 2021 with the same months in 2022 that Asheboro High School, South Ash...
Recently Resigned School Counselor Facing Multiple Sex Crime Charges

Recently Resigned School Counselor Facing Multiple Sex Crime Charges

ASHEBORO N.C. - A local school counselor who recently resigned after allegations that he was messaging students inappropriately is now facing multiple felony sex crime charges. According to a press release from the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office on May 29th 2022, they received a report of sexual offense allegations against Adam David Duncan. Between May 29th and May 30th 2022 at least 2 former students posted screenshots on Facebook of messages they say they had received from Duncan, both when they were still students as well as recently. According to Randolph County Schools Duncan worked at Wheatmore High School from August 15th 2012 until he transferred to Liberty Elementary School on August 19th 2019. Around a year later Duncan transferred to Randleman Middle School on August 1...
ACS Offer Meals for Children this Summer

ACS Offer Meals for Children this Summer

PRESS RELEASE - ASHEBORO CITY SCHOOLS The Asheboro City Schools Food Truck will return this summer!Starting the week of June 20, the ACS Food Truck will visit two locations in Asheboro to provide FREE meals to children and teens, ages 0-18. Monday- Friday, the ACS Food Truck will be posted at Franklin Village from 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and then it will travel to Coleridge Road Apartments from 12:30 - 1 p.m.Please note - Due to federal mandates, all meals are to be eaten at the Food Truck. "Grab and go" meals will not be permitted.
Asheboro Shooting Triggers School Lockdown

Asheboro Shooting Triggers School Lockdown

Breaking News
ASHEBORO NC (ACME NEWS) - Police are investigating a shooting that occured in earlier this afternoon in Asheboro. Police, CSI, and detectives are actively investigating the scene of a shooting at the intersection of S McCrary St and Dixon Ave. According to an official with the Asheboro Police Department two males had an argument on Dixon Avenue in Asheboro after approaching each other on the street.  Police say one of the males produced a gun and fired multiple shots at the other.  The victim fled the scene and officers say they do not believe he was hit. Officers have a juvenile suspect detained and they say they are continuing to gather information. The incident led to two schools going into lockdown. “Out of an abundance of caution, the Asheboro Police Department i...
Ever Lopez Receives Diploma, But Situation Puts Spot Light On Immigration

Ever Lopez Receives Diploma, But Situation Puts Spot Light On Immigration

ASHEBORO NC - Just after 11 AM on Monday, June 7th, Ever Lopez walked out of a meeting with principal Crooks at Asheboro High School, diploma in hand. Just after 11 AM on Monday, June 7th, Ever Lopez walked out of a meeting with principal Crooks at Asheboro High School, diploma in hand [Scott Pelkey / Acme News] "I'm grateful, I got what I deserved like my mom said, it's not just mine, it's everybody's, the whole community that had my back," said Lopez at a press conference. The diploma was available to be picked up Friday, but the family said they waited as they discussed the option of taking legal action against the school. Ultimately they decided to pick up the diploma Monday, along with the involvement of activists, community advocates, supporters, and members of the press. ...
Diploma Controversy Leads To Threats, Police Investigating

Diploma Controversy Leads To Threats, Police Investigating

Breaking News
Supporters gather outside Asheboro High School to protest Ever Lopez being denied his diploma for wearing a Mexican flag at graduation. [Scott Pelkey / Acme News] ASHEBORO NC (ACME NEWS)- The Asheboro Police Department says they are investigating multiple threats against the school system following the viral controversy from Asheboro High School denying a student his diploma after he wore a Mexican flag during the graduation ceremony. Over the weekend the incident went viral with students, recent graduates, and members of the community gathering Friday and Saturday in front of the high school to protest with signs saying "Free Ever's Diploma." Videos of the incident were trending on TikTok’s "For You" page gaining more than 12.5 million views. An online petition received titled "...